Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-New Brunswick
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Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
African Studies 016
Agricultural Engineering
Alcohol Studies 047
Animal Sciences 067
Anthropology 070
Art History 082
Arts, Visual and Theater
Asian Studies 098
Biochemistry 115
BIOMAPS 118 (Programs in Quantitative Biology)
Biomedical Engineering 125
Bioresource Engineering 127
Biotechnology 126
Cell and Developmental Biology 148
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Ceramic and Materials Science and Engineering 150
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 155
Chemistry 160
Civil and Environmental Engineering 180
Classics 190
Cognitive Science 185
Communication, Information, and Library Studies 194
Communication Studies
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Curatorial Studies
Ecology and Evolution 215
Economics 220
Education 300
Educational Psychology; Educational theory, Policy, and Administration; Learning and Teaching
Electrical and Computer Engineering 332
Engineering Geophysics
English, Literature In (English 350, Composition Studies 352)
English as a Second Language 356
Entomology 370
Environmental Change, Human Dimensions of 378
Environmental Sciences 375
Food and Business Economics 395
Food Science 400
French 420
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
Geospatial Information Science 455
German 470
History 510
Human Resource Management
Industrial and Systems Engineering 540
Industrial Relations and Human Resources 545
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program 554
Italian 560
Labor and Employment Relations
Library Studies
Linguistics 615
Literatures In English
Mathematics 640, 642
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 650
Members of the Graduate Faculty
Graduate Courses
Mechanics 654
Medicinal Chemistry 663
Medieval Studies 667
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 681
Molecular and Cell Biology 695
Molecular Biophysics 696
Molecular Biosciences
Music 700
Neuroscience 710
Nutritional Sciences 709
Oceanography 712
Operations Research 711
Packaging Science and Engineering
Pharmaceutical Science 720
Pharmacology, Cellular and Molecular 718
Philosophy 730
Physics and Astronomy 750
Physiology and Integrative Biology 761
Plant Biology 765
Plant Pathology
Plant Science and Technology
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Psychology, Applied and Professional
Public Health 832
Public Policy
Quaternary Studies 841
Russian, Central and East European Studies 859
Social Work 910
Social Work: Administration, Policy and Planning, and Direct Practice
Sociology 920
Spanish 940
Statistics 960
Theater Arts
Toxicology 963
Urban Planning and Policy Development 970
Urban Planning, City and Regional
Visual Arts
Wireless Communications Certificate
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Research Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-New Brunswick 2003-2005 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 650 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

16:650:500Experimental Methods (3) Survey of current measuring techniques used in mechanical and aerospace engineering research; principles of digital and analog data acquisition and reduction. Prerequisites: Undergraduate fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
16:650:504,505Mathematical Methods in Engineering (3,3) Review of matrix algebra; numerical methods for inversion; ordinary differential equations, functions of a complex variable; calculus of variations; partial differential equations and their classification; Fourier methods; asymptotic and perturbation methods. Prerequisites: Undergraduate calculus and differential equations.
16:650:510(F) Computer-Aided Design (3) Broad introduction to computer-aided design and modeling. Mathematical representations of curves, surfaces, and solids. Two- and three-dimensional computer graphics. Programming required for design projects. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
16:650:514Design of Mechanisms (3) Complete mechanism design cycle: synthesis, analysis, and redesign; analytical, numerical, and visualization techniques applied to mechanism synthesis (type, number, and dimensional) and analysis; application of optimization methods in the design cycle; planar and spatial mechanisms.  Prerequisite: Undergraduate kinematics of mechanisms or equivalent.
16:650:518Biomechanical Systems (3) Selected topics from the study of the human body as a mechanical system, with emphasis on modeling, analysis, and design. Investigation of biomechanical systems in orthopedic surgery and physical rehabilitation. Prerequisites: Undergraduate mechanical design and solid mechanics.
16:650:522(S) Analytical Dynamics (3) Newtonian mechanics, rotating frames, variational principles, Lagrange`s equations, Hamilton`s equations, Euler angles, Euler equations, gyroscopic motion. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in mechanical/aerospace engineering.
16:650:530Fluid Mechanics I (3) Physical properties of fluids; basic equations of motion; kinematics; exact solutions of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations; incompressible boundary-layer equations and applications; flow past bodies, jets, and wakes; introduction to turbulent flows. Prerequisite: Undergraduate fluid mechanics.
16:650:532Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics (3) Experimental and analytical data tools needed by fluid experimentalists, data acquisition, measurements, model building, optical diagnostics, and visualization. Prerequisite: Undergraduate fluid mechanics.
16:650:534Computational Fluid Mechanics (3) Development and application of computational methods for fluid mechanics based on the incompressible and compressible Navier-Stokes equations, boundary-layer equations, and Euler equations. Selected algorithms, including finite difference, finite volume, and special techniques. Applications chosen from incompressible and compressible flows. Prerequisites: Undergraduate fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.
16:650:550Mechanics of Materials (3) Theories and methods for evaluating stresses and deformations of mechanical components and structures under static and dynamic loading. Prerequisite: Undergraduate solid mechanics.
16:650:554Mechanics of Continua (Solid Mechanics I) (3) Introduction to the fundamental concepts of continuum mechanics, including stress and strain, kinematics, balance laws, and material symmetry. Theories of elasticity, plasticity, fracture, viscoelasticity, and classical fluid dynamics. Prerequisites: Undergraduate mechanics and engineering mathematics.
16:650:570Conduction Heat Transfer (3) Analytical methods in steady and transient heat conduction in solids; finite difference methods in heat conduction. Prerequisite: Undergraduate heat transfer.
16:650:574Thermodynamic Theory (3) Principles and methods of thermodynamics, including classical, statistical, and irreversible thermodynamics. Prerequisite: Undergraduate thermodynamics.
16:650:578Convection Heat Transfer (3) Forced and free convection in laminar and turbulent flows; mass transfer; applications. Prerequisites: Undergraduate heat transfer; 16:650:530 or equivalent.
16:650:582Computational Heat Transfer (3) Development and application of computational methods for conduction; natural, forced, and mixed convection; radiation; traditional and recent conjugate heat transfer; and mass transfer. Selected algorithms include finite difference, finite volume, finite element, and spectral techniques. Applications chosen from thermal energy systems, environmental heat transfer, microelectronics packaging, materials processing, and other areas. Prerequisites: Undergraduate fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.
16:650:601,602Independent Study (3,3) Independent studies or investigations in a selected area of mechanical and aerospace engineering. The instructor prepares a syllabus on subject being studied for student`s file. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and graduate program director.
16:650:604Advanced Engineering Analysis (3) Behavior of linear and nonlinear systems, phase-plane analysis, bifurcation, stability criteria, perturbation methods. Examples from fluid mechanics, dynamics, and heat transfer. Prerequisites: 16:642:527; 16:650:522 or 530.
16:650:606Advanced Mechanical Engineering Topics (3) Topics of current interest in mechanical and aerospace engineering, such as applications of computer-aided intelligence, computer-aided manufacturing, and waves in fluids.
16:650:608,609Seminar in Mechanical Engineering (1,1) Lectures by Ph.D. students, faculty, and invited speakers on current research topics in mechanical and aerospace engineering. Prerequisite: Ph.D. candidacy in mechanical and aerospace engineering or permission of graduate program director.
16:650:610Robotics and Mechatronics (3) Introduction to robotics and mechatronics, including mechanisms and control theories as well as applications; manipulator mechanics; design considerations; control fundamentals; model and sensor-based control algorithm development; walking robots; medical and space robotics; experimental mechatronics. Prerequisites: Undergraduate vibrations, controls, dynamics, and statistics.
16:650:614Optimal Design in Mechanical Engineering (3) Formulation and solution of engineering optimal design problems in mechanical engineering. Introduction to algorithms for constrained and unconstrained searching. Application to optimal design of mechanical and structural components. Use of discretization techniques; shape optimization problem. Prerequisite: 16:650:550.
16:650:618Special Applications in Control (3) Introduction to recently developed concepts in control theory and their application in real-life problems. Topics include robust and optimal control (H2, H-infinity, and advanced LQR control techniques), neural networks, and system identification. Prerequisites: Graduate background in mechanical control systems and vibration.
16:650:622Advanced Optimization (3) Focuses on the mathematical framework of optimization; in-depth coverage of mathematical programming, probabilistic optimization methods, global optimization, and multiobjective optimization and their applications. Prerequisite: 16:650:614.
16:650:626Advanced Design and Fabrication (3) Synthesis of design methodologies with application to industrial problems. Prerequisites: 16:650:514 and 614, or equivalent.
16:650:630Fluid Mechanics II (3) Vortex dynamics of incompressible inviscid and low-viscosity fluids. One-, two-, and three-dimensional compressible flows. Linear, nonlinear, acoustic, and gravity waves; shock waves using shock polars. Stability of viscous and inviscid vortex, wave and boundary-layer flows. Special topics include accelerated flows: Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmeyer-Meshkov for supersonic combustion and inertial confinement fusion; visualization and quantification of evolving flows; and turbulent scaling laws. Prerequisite: 16:650:530 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
16:650:634Compressible Flows (3) Linear and nonlinear theory of one-dimensional inviscid unsteady motion, compression and expansion waves, shock-tube and wave interactions; two-dimensional inviscid steady motions, including linearized subsonic and supersonic flows, boundary-layer theory of compressible fluids. Prerequisite: 16:650:630 or equivalent.
16:650:636Turbulence (3) Physical aspects and methods of analysis of turbulent flows; scaling laws, modeling techniques, and statistical description of turbulence; application to problems in engineering science and geophysical fluid dynamics. Prerequisite: 16:650:530.
16:650:638(F) Hydrodynamic Stability (3) Thermal, centrifugal, and shear instabilities; linear, nonlinear, and energy methods. Prerequisite: 16:650:530 or equivalent.
16:650:640Acoustics (3) Sound-wave propagation in gases and liquids. Reflection and transmission phenomena. Emission and absorption of sound. Prerequisite: Undergraduate fluid mechanics. Pre- or corequisite: 16:642:530.
16:650:642Suspensions (3) Fluid mechanics of small bubbles, droplets, and rigid particles in fluids. Fluid forces and heat transfer rate. Two-phase fluid dynamics. Applications to aerosols, bubbly liquids, emulsions, and hydrosols. Prerequisites: 16:650:530 or equivalent and one graduate-level course in applied mathematics, or consent of instructor.
16:650:650Theory of Elasticity (Solid Mechanics II) (3) Classical theory of linear elasticity. Equations of equilibrium; plane stress; plane strain; Airy stress function; torsion; energy theorems; solutions of selected classical problems. Prerequisite: 16:642:527 or equivalent. Corequisite: 16:642:528.
16:650:651Mechanics of Inelastic Behavior (Solid Mechanics III) (3) Mechanics of inelastic behavior, including plasticity, viscoelasticity, and micromechanics. Yield criteria, flow and hardening rules, Drucker`s postulates, multiaxial theories, and boundary value problems. Rheological models, creep compliances and relaxation moduli, complex moduli, rheologically simple materials. Dislocation theories, crystal plasticity, Eshelby`s solution for an inclusion, mechanics of phase transformation. Prerequisite: 16:650:550 or 650.
16:650:652Composite Materials, Fracture Mechanics, and Thermoelasticity (Solid Mechanics IV) (3) Composite materials: anisotropy, elastic constants, stress-strain averages, energy principles, bounds, and micromechanics models. Basic principles of fracture mechanics: mechanisms of fracture and crack growth, energy-release rates, complex stress functions, stress intensity, fracture criteria, mixed-mode fracture, dynamic fracture. Thermoelasticity: linear-coupled theory, uncoupled theory, solution of selected applied problems involving heat and deformation, application to composite and advanced materials. Prerequisites: 16:650:554, 650.
16:650:653Structural Mechanics (Solid Mechanics V) (3) Review of plate theory. Foundations of shell theory. Variational calculus and energy theorems, stability and buckling. Composite structures: anisotropic structures, laminated beams, plates and shells, failure mechanisms. Prerequisites: 16:650:550, 554, and 650, or permission of instructor.
16:650:654Dynamics of Solids and Structures (Solid Mechanics VI) (3) Review of multidegree of freedom vibration. Vibration of continuous systems: strings, beams, membranes, and plates. Vibration and waves. Waves in beams and plates. Bulk elastic waves. Reflection and transmission, Rayleigh surface waves, ultrasonics. Additional topics, such as random vibration, as time permits. Prerequisites: Undergraduate course in mechanical vibration and 16:650:550, 554, and 650.
16:650:660Computational Solid Mechanics (3) General theory, application of finite element methods to the solutions of the equations of elasticity, viscoelasticity, and plasticity. Two- and three-dimensional linear and nonlinear, static, and dynamic problems. Working computer programs. Prerequisite: 16:650:554.
16:650:661Advanced Mechanical and Random Vibration (3) Continuous systems, exact and approximate solutions; integral formulation; vibration under combined effects, inclusion principle, qualitative and quantitative behavior of the eigensolution, computational techniques. Random vibration of nonlinear oscillators, Markov processes. Prerequisite: 16:650:654.
16:650:662Advanced Stress Waves in Solids (3) Propagation of elastic waves in solids, reflection and transmission, Rayleigh waves, waves in plates, dispersion, radiation from a point load, Fourier transforms methods; scattering; waves in anisotropic materials; propagation of discontinuities; shocks. Prerequisite: 16:650:654.
16:650:663Advanced Plasticity (3) Advanced theories and computational models in plasticity. Crystal plasticity for metallic systems based on dislocation theory and statistical mechanics. Sources of hardening for single and multiple glide conditions. Nucleation and growth of defects induced by plastic deformation. Large-strain constitutive relations for crystalline mate- rials. Numerical implementation into finite element formulations. Prerequisite: 16:650:651.
16:650:664Advanced Fracture Mechanics (3) Fracture mechanics; linear elastic, dynamic, and elastic-plastic methods and structures. Time dependent fracture and fatigue crack growth for metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. Mathematical methods in fracture mechanics; weight functions (3D), Green`s functions (dislocation and point force), complex variable methods (2D), integral transforms, and applications of the FEM and BEM. Prerequisite: 16:650:652.
16:650:665Advanced Composite Materials (3) Classification of anisotropy; elastic constants; particulate, fiber, and disc reinforcements; stress-strain average and energy principles; mean-field theory; self-consistent method; differential scheme; Hashin-Shtrikman`s variational principles; bounding techniques; and viscoelastic, plastic, and viscoplastic composites. Prerequisite: 16:650:650.
16:650:666Advanced Micromechanics (3) Origins of internal stress, Green`s tensor function. Eshelby's solutions of ellipsoidal inclusions, stress concentration; crystal plasticity; continuous distribution of dislocations; single crystal versus polycrystal; Martensitic transformation in shape-memory alloys, ferroelectric ceramics. Prerequisite: 16:650:650 or 651.
16:650:667Advanced Stability of Elastic Systems (3) Hamilton`s principle; discrete and continuous systems; dynamical theories of beams and plates; nonlinear vibrations; Liapunov stability; limit cycles; chaotic motion. Applications include the static and dynamic stability of thin-walled structures. Prerequisites: 16:650:554 and 650, 16:642:528.
16:650:668Advanced Viscoelasticity (3) Basic rheological models and differential constitutive equations; Boltzman`s superposition principle and hereditary integrals, Laplace transform; creep, relaxation, and complex moduli; discrete and continuous spectra; thermorheologically simple materials; glass transition temperature; William-Landel-Ferry (WLF) equation; chronorheologically simple and rheological complex materials; physical aging. Prerequisite: 16:650:651.
16:650:669Advanced Thermoelasticity (3) Formulation and solution of problems involving the effects of temperature on the elastic and inelastic behavior of materials and structures. Thermodynamics of deformation; heat transfer; thermoelasticity/thermoviscoelasticity. Prerequisite: 16:650:652.
16:650:670Combustion (3) Fundamentals of combustion processes; premixed flames, diffusion flames, one-dimensional gas dynamics, thermal explosion theory. Prerequisites: Undergraduate thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.
16:650:674Radiation Heat Transfer (3) Theory of radiant heat transfer; characteristics of ideal and real systems; radiant energy exchange with and without a participating medium; analytical numerical experimental techniques; gray and nongray system analysis. Prerequisite: Undergraduate heat transfer.
16:650:678Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer (3) Detailed presentation of boiling and condensation heat transfer; nucleate boiling, transitional boiling, film boiling, film condensation, and dropwise condensation. Prerequisites: Undergraduate heat transfer and fluid mechanics.
16:650:682Thermal Transport in Materials Processing (3) Transport phenomena in processes such as heat treatment, bonding, extrusion, casting, injection molding, crystal growing, metal forming, and plastic processing; analysis, mathematical modeling, and numerical simulation of such processes for design and optimization of the relevant systems. Prerequisites: Limited enrollment, permission of instructor.
16:650:699Nonthesis Study (N1)
16:650:701,702Research in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (BA,BA) By arrangement with adviser.
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