Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-New Brunswick
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Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
African Studies 016
Agricultural Engineering
Alcohol Studies 047
Animal Sciences 067
Anthropology 070
Art History 082
Arts, Visual and Theater
Asian Studies 098
Biochemistry 115
BIOMAPS 118 (Programs in Quantitative Biology)
Biomedical Engineering 125
Bioresource Engineering 127
Biotechnology 126
Cell and Developmental Biology 148
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Ceramic and Materials Science and Engineering 150
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 155
Chemistry 160
Civil and Environmental Engineering 180
Classics 190
Cognitive Science 185
Communication, Information, and Library Studies 194
Communication Studies
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Curatorial Studies
Ecology and Evolution 215
Economics 220
Education 300
Educational Psychology; Educational theory, Policy, and Administration; Learning and Teaching
Electrical and Computer Engineering 332
Engineering Geophysics
English, Literature In (English 350, Composition Studies 352)
English as a Second Language 356
Entomology 370
Environmental Change, Human Dimensions of 378
Environmental Sciences 375
Food and Business Economics 395
Food Science 400
Members of the Graduate Faculty
Graduate Courses
French 420
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
Geospatial Information Science 455
German 470
History 510
Human Resource Management
Industrial and Systems Engineering 540
Industrial Relations and Human Resources 545
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program 554
Italian 560
Labor and Employment Relations
Library Studies
Linguistics 615
Literatures In English
Mathematics 640, 642
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 650
Mechanics 654
Medicinal Chemistry 663
Medieval Studies 667
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 681
Molecular and Cell Biology 695
Molecular Biophysics 696
Molecular Biosciences
Music 700
Neuroscience 710
Nutritional Sciences 709
Oceanography 712
Operations Research 711
Packaging Science and Engineering
Pharmaceutical Science 720
Pharmacology, Cellular and Molecular 718
Philosophy 730
Physics and Astronomy 750
Physiology and Integrative Biology 761
Plant Biology 765
Plant Pathology
Plant Science and Technology
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Psychology, Applied and Professional
Public Health 832
Public Policy
Quaternary Studies 841
Russian, Central and East European Studies 859
Social Work 910
Social Work: Administration, Policy and Planning, and Direct Practice
Sociology 920
Spanish 940
Statistics 960
Theater Arts
Toxicology 963
Urban Planning and Policy Development 970
Urban Planning, City and Regional
Visual Arts
Wireless Communications Certificate
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Research Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-New Brunswick 2003-2005 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Food Science 400 Members of the Graduate Faculty  

Members of the Graduate Faculty

George M. Carman, Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Massachusetts
Biochemistry; membranes, phospholipids, and enzymes

Suzie Chen, Associate Professor of Chemical Biology, EMSP; Ph.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Mechanics of cell differentiation and carcinogenesis

Michael Chikindas, Assistant Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms (Russia) Microbiology; genetics; biotechnology; antimicrobial peptides

Henryk Daun, Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Politechnika Gdanska
Chemistry of food colors; thermal degradation of foods

Chaim Frenkel, Professor of Horticulture, CC; Ph.D., Washington State
Postharvest biology: senescence science, fruit ripening, and stress

Michael Gallo, Professor of Environmental and Community Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Albany Medical College
Food additives; phototoxins; dermatotoxicology

Thomas G. Hartman, Adjunct Research Professor of Food Science and Mass Spectrometry Lab Manager, CAFT; CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Advanced instrumental analytical techniques as applied to food chemistry, mass spectrometry, chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, toxicology

Chi-Tang Ho, Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Washington
Flavor, chemistry, natural products

Qingrong Huang, Assistant Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Nebraska
DNA/protein chips; food delivery systems; nanotechnology

Mukund V. Karwe, Associate Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Numerical simulation of thermal transport in extrusion processes; instrumentation of extruders, laser Doppler anemometry

Jozef Kokini, Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon
Food rheology; biophysical properties, extrusion

Paul A. Lachance, Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Ottawa
Nutrition; nutritional aspects of food processing

Tung-Ching Lee, Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., California (Davis)
Food chemistry and biochemistry; biotechnological applications in food processing; seafood technology; nutritional and safety aspects of food processing

Thomas Leustek, Professor of Biochemistry and Microbiology, CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Nutritional value of plant crops, sulfur metabolism; molecular genetics and biochemistry

Richard D. Ludescher, Associate Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Oregon
Food biophysics; protein chemistry; optical luminescence

Karl Matthews, Associate Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Kentucky
Pathogenesis and reservoirs of foodborne pathogens

Thomas J. Montville, Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology Microbial food safety; fermentations; biotechnology

Mohamed M. Rafi, Assistant Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Kerala
Biochemistry; nutragenomics; molecular and cellular mechanisms of health promoting nutraceuticals from foods and medicinal plants

Joseph D. Rosen, Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Food chemistry; toxicology; mass spectrometry

Robert T. Rosen, Adjunct Research Professor of Food Science and Associate Director, CAFT; Ph.D., Rutgers
Analytical and food chemistry; mass spectrometry; instrumental analysis; natural products; chromatography

Donald W. Schaffner, Extension Specialist in Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Georgia
Predictive food microbiology; quantitative microbial risk assessment

Karen M. Schaich, Associate Professor of Food Science, CC; Sc.D.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
EPR studies of free radicals; lipid oxidation; co-oxidation of macromolecules; chemistry of antioxidants

Paul Takhistov, Associate Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., USSR Academy of Science Nonthermal food processing; biofilms; biosensors; nanotechnology

Beverly J. Tepper, Associate Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Tufts
Nutrition; food intake regulation; sensory evaluation; taste in disease

Shaw S. Wang, Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Rutgers
Biochemical engineering; food science and technology

Kit L. Yam, Associate Professor of Food Science, CC; Ph.D., Michigan State
Food packaging engineering, polymeric material

Chung S. Yang, Professor of Pharmacognosy, EMSP; Ph.D., Cornell
Cancer prevention by dietary constituents; molecular and cellular mechanisms of carcinogenesis

Adjunct Members of the Graduate Faculty

Gail V. Civille, President, Sensory Spectrum, Inc.; B.S., College of Mount Saint Vincent
Sensory evaluation of foods; methodology

Dennis R. Heldman, Visiting Professor of Food Engineering; Ph.D., Michigan State
Mathematical models for prediction of thermophysical properties of food based on composition; process design

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