Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-New Brunswick
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Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
African Studies 016
Agricultural Engineering
Alcohol Studies 047
Animal Sciences 067
Anthropology 070
Art History 082
Arts, Visual and Theater
Asian Studies 098
Biochemistry 115
BIOMAPS 118 (Programs in Quantitative Biology)
Biomedical Engineering 125
Bioresource Engineering 127
Biotechnology 126
Cell and Developmental Biology 148
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Ceramic and Materials Science and Engineering 150
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 155
Chemistry 160
Civil and Environmental Engineering 180
Classics 190
Cognitive Science 185
Communication, Information, and Library Studies 194
Communication Studies
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Curatorial Studies
Ecology and Evolution 215
Economics 220
Education 300
Educational Psychology; Educational theory, Policy, and Administration; Learning and Teaching
Electrical and Computer Engineering 332
Engineering Geophysics
English, Literature In (English 350, Composition Studies 352)
Members of the Graduate Faculty
Graduate Courses (350)
Graduate Courses in Composition (352)
English as a Second Language 356
Entomology 370
Environmental Change, Human Dimensions of 378
Environmental Sciences 375
Food and Business Economics 395
Food Science 400
French 420
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
Geospatial Information Science 455
German 470
History 510
Human Resource Management
Industrial and Systems Engineering 540
Industrial Relations and Human Resources 545
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program 554
Italian 560
Labor and Employment Relations
Library Studies
Linguistics 615
Literatures In English
Mathematics 640, 642
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 650
Mechanics 654
Medicinal Chemistry 663
Medieval Studies 667
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 681
Molecular and Cell Biology 695
Molecular Biophysics 696
Molecular Biosciences
Music 700
Neuroscience 710
Nutritional Sciences 709
Oceanography 712
Operations Research 711
Packaging Science and Engineering
Pharmaceutical Science 720
Pharmacology, Cellular and Molecular 718
Philosophy 730
Physics and Astronomy 750
Physiology and Integrative Biology 761
Plant Biology 765
Plant Pathology
Plant Science and Technology
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Psychology, Applied and Professional
Public Health 832
Public Policy
Quaternary Studies 841
Russian, Central and East European Studies 859
Social Work 910
Social Work: Administration, Policy and Planning, and Direct Practice
Sociology 920
Spanish 940
Statistics 960
Theater Arts
Toxicology 963
Urban Planning and Policy Development 970
Urban Planning, City and Regional
Visual Arts
Wireless Communications Certificate
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Research Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-New Brunswick 2003-2005 Programs, Faculty, and Courses English, Literature In (English 350, Composition Studies 352) Graduate Courses (350)  

Graduate Courses (350)

16:350:501,502Independent Study (3,3) An independent study course in directed readings available only by special arrangement.
16:350:503Studies in Narrative Form (3) Types of narrative (the tale, legend, romance, epic) and their relation to the novel.
16:350:504Studies in Dramatic Form (3) Types of drama (comedy, tragedy, history, melodrama) and their relation to theater and performance.
16:350:505Studies in Poetic Form (3) Types of poetry (epic, dramatic, lyric) and particular poetic forms, conventions, and movements (sonnet, elegy, epigram, ballad, ode, free verse, imagist poetry, symbolist poetry) and their relation to various expressive conventions and techniques.
16:350:506Literary Theory I: Beginning through the 18th Century (3) Conventions and recurrent problems in critical discourse from Aristotle to Kant.
16:350:507Literary Theory II: Nineteenth Century to the Present (3) Establishment of the modern aesthetic understanding of literary discourse and efforts to modify or revise it.
16:350:508Critical Methodologies: Primary Texts (3) Examination of selected major theoretical texts that inform the practice of literary study.
16:350:509Studies In Critical Methodologies (3) History and practices of literary theory: Marxist, psycho- analytic, feminist approaches; structuralism, poststructuralism; cultural studies.
16:350:510Theories of Gender and Sexuality (3) Key texts, authors, issues, and problems in the history of gender and sexuality in the second half of the 20th century.
16:350:511Studies in Colonial/Postcolonial Theory (3) Theoretical writing, emerging during and after the transition from colonialism to national independence in Asia, Africa, and other areas of the world. Authors who have explored and debated the meaning and the limits of decolonization.
16:350:512Cultural Studies (3) Examines fundamental assumptions in the understanding of culture; attempts to give students the interpretative skills to engage critically with contemporary cultural contexts.
16:350:513New Technologies: Texts, Subjects, Communities (3) Introduction to theoretical perspectives on electronic culture and communication in relation to literary studies; examination of the implications of digital and information technologies for text, representation, subjectivity, embodiment, and community.
16:350:514Literature and Politics (3) Study of literary texts directly connected to political debate and of critical theories, especially Marxist criticism, generated by the intersection of politics and literary form.
16:350:515Myth, Religion, and Literature (3) Recurrences and transformation of mythic motifs in selected texts.
16:350:517Critical Reading (1.5) Various ways of reading texts, with attention to the history and theory of modes of reading from "new criticism" to poststructuralism.
16:350:518Introduction to Advanced Research (1.5) Methods and resources for research in literary criticism, textual criticism, and related historical and cultural topics.
16:350:519History and Criticism of Film (3) Development of film as an art form: film technique, theoretical and practical criticism.
16:350:520Studies in Film (3) Selected topics in film studies, such as women and film, literature and film, or film and society.
16:350:528,529Studies in Old English (3,3) First term: introduction to Old English grammar, with readings from selected texts. Second term: Beowulf.
16:350:530Chaucer (3) Major works of Geoffrey Chaucer, including Troilus and Criseyde and The Canterbury Tales, in relation to late medieval culture.
16:350:531Studies in Medieval Literature (3) Relations between English medieval literature and other literatures, such as classical and continental; literary relations with other disciplines, such as folklore, history, and anthropology.
16:350:532Gender and Sexuality in Medieval Literature and Culture (3) Consideration of sexual difference, virginity, medical practices, and social structures for gender regulation.
16:350:533Medieval Drama (3) Medieval drama from the 11th through the early 16th century: investigation of surviving scripts and material production, with attention to recent developments in gender studies, performance theory, and cultural studies.
16:350:536,537Studies in Renaissance Literature (3,3) Major writers of the 16th and early 17th centuries approached through modern critical ideas of form, genre, convention, theme, and style.
16:350:538Forms of Renaissance Literature (3) Studies in literary forms that gave expression to major themes in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries: heroic, pastoral, satirical, tragic, comic.
16:350:539Renaissance Drama 3) Readings from selected Tudor and Stuart playwrights.
16:350:540Shakespeare (3) General study of Shakespeare`s works.
16:350:541Milton (3) Milton`s poetry and selected prose.
16:350:542Studies in the 17th Century (3) Survey of 17th-century literature, including Jacobean, Caroline, Civil War, interregnum, and Restoration poetry, prose, and drama. Study of influential literary historical and theoretical narratives written about this century.
16:350:546British Poetry and Nonfiction Prose of the Early Enlightenment (3) Readings from Dryden to Pope.
16:350:547British Poetry and Nonfiction Prose of the Later Enlightenment (3) Readings from Johnson to Preromanticism.
16:350:548Restoration and 18th-Century Drama (3) Restoration comedy, tragedy, heroic play, and dramatic criticism; 18th-century survivals and transformations.
16:350:549The Early English Novel (3) Emergence of prose fiction as a literary genre and its evolution into a complex and self-conscious form. Texts by Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Sterne, Smollett, Scott, Austen.
16:350:550Studies in 18th-Century Literature and Culture (3) The main modes, actions, and styles in 18th-century writing.
16:350:551Gender and Sexuality in 18th-Century Literature and Culture (3) Readings in Restoration and 18th-century literature that illuminate questions of erotics and gender. Texts by Rochester, Behn, Manley, Haywood, Cleland, Wollstonecraft, and others.
16:350:553Studies in Early American Literature and Culture (3) A limited number of major American writers of common historical background and intellectual temper.
16:350:554Colonial Anglo-America (3) Selected colonial and early 19th-century writers, with emphasis on modern scholarship, criticism, and intellectual history.
16:350:555Early National U.S. Literature (3) Writings from the Revolution to the 1820s and 1830s. Texts by Paine, Jefferson, Equiano, Wheatley, Rowson, Foster, Brown, Irving, Cooper, and others.
16:350:556American Antebellum Writing (3) Study of what is often called the American Renaissance, from the 1830s to the Civil War. Texts by Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, Poe, Whitman, Stowe, and others.
16:350:559American Drama and Culture (3) Historical and contemporary efforts to understand American drama`s position, role, and status within local, national, and international cultures.
16:350:560American Cultural Studies (3) Survey of American cultural studies and exercises in its practice. Texts by Berlant, Brenkman, and others; a range of literary and cultural materials.
16:350:561The Romantic Century (1750-1850) (3) Aspects of British writing leading up to, including, and succeeding the Romantic period in England (1785-1835). Study of the evolution of key literary genres in relation to historical developments in culture and society.
16:350:562Studies in Romanticism (3) The revolt against tradition and the redefinition of poetry and the poet.
16:350:563Fiction of the Romantic Period (3) The rise of the novel in the context of the Romantic movement. Interrogation of assumptions governing Romanticism and realism in English prose fiction, 1770-1830.
16:350:566Studies in 19th-Century Literature and Culture (3) Study of the major preoccupations and styles of the period in nonfiction, poetry, and the novel. Emphasis on the effects of historical and social developments.
16:350:567Nineteenth-Century Theater and Culture (3) Consideration of the genres of 19th-century theater, as well as popular forms of performance and spectatorship outside the theater.
16:350:568The Victorian Fin de Siè Study of aesthetic and philosophical developments in Pater, Meredith, Hardy, Conrad, Wells, Beerbohm, and others.
16:350:569Victorian Cultural Studies (3) Material and methods of Victorian cultural studies. Consideration of effects of the French Revolution; technological innovation; newly consolidating economic systems. Texts by Burke, Schiller, Carlyle, Mill, Arnold, and others.
16:350:570Gender and Sexuality in Victorian Literature and Culture (3) Study of the relationships between gender representations in political and literary writing and female experience in Victorian England.
16:350:571Victorian Poetry (3) Introduction to English poetry from late 1820s to early 1900s. Works of Tennyson, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Hopkins, Yeats, Landon, Hemans, Field, and others.
16:350:572Victorian Fiction (3) Readings in selected novels and novelists from about 1800 to 1900, drawing especially on the works of Scott, Dickens, Thackeray, the Brontės, George Eliot, and James.
16:350:573Transatlantic 19th-Century Studies (3) The transatlantic formation and contestation of literary forms and cultural politics.
16:350:574Nineteenth-Century Discourses of Race, Nation, and Empire (3) Discourse theory and its application in the politically charged domains of race, nation, and empire. Theoretical work of Foucault, Bakhtin, Said, Anderson, and others.
16:350:576Studies in 19th-Century American Literature and Culture (3) A limited number of major American writers of common historical background and intellectual temper.
16:350:577Nineteenth-Century American Poetry (3) Examination of the exchange between public and private verse in 19th-century American poetic culture. Texts by Bryant, Holmes, Longfellow, Jackson, Whitman, Dickinson, Dunbar, and others.
16:350:578Later 19th-Century American Fiction (3) Writings of the last half of the 19th century, with some extension into the 20th century.
16:350:579Studies in 19th-Century African-American Literature and Culture (3) Literary forms that give expression to major themes in 19th- century African-American literature: authenticity, authority, literacy, freedom, and nationhood.
16:350:584Early Modernisms and the Historical Avant- Garde (3) Modernism and the historical avant-garde as antithetical yet complementary moments in late 19th- and early 20h-century Europe and the United States.
16:350:585Dramatic Modernisms (3) Drama and performance as transatlantic modernist forms. Philosophical, social, and political questions in Ibsen, Hurston, Brecht, Stein, and others.
16:350:586Early 20th-Century Poetry (3) Hardy, Yeats, Pound, Eliot, Stevens, and others.
16:350:587Early 20th-Century Fiction (3) Hardy, James, Joyce, Woolf, and others.
16:350:588Twentieth-Century African-American Literature and Culture (3) Works of various black American writers, read in conjunction with other examples of American literature of the 20th century.
16:350:589Studies in African-American Literature and Culture (3) African-American literature in relation to the multiple literary and historical contexts from which it is produced. Course may highlight specific topics (writing by black women) or genres (the essay).
16:350:590Later 20th-Century Fiction (3) Prose fiction written in English since World War II in relation to questions raised by critical theory, cultural studies, and literary criticism.
16:350:591Later 20th-Century Poetry (3) Study of continuity and change in the poetry of the mid-20th century. Focus on several pivotal figures in their social and political contexts.
16:350:592Later 20th-Century Drama and Performance (3) Later 20th-century drama and performance, both in relation to high modernist and postmodern cultures.
16:350:593Studies in Ethnic American Literatures and Cultures (3) Central texts of English and American literature from the perspective of minorities and non-Western people.
16:350:594Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture (3) Twentieth-century texts and authors in relation to cultural developments: aesthetic pluralization, war, secularization, diaspora, capitalism, and technology.
16:350:595Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures (3) Introduction to Anglophone (and some non-Anglophone) literature and to theoretical debates concerned with colonialism and decolonization in Africa, South Asia, and the Caribbean.
16:350:596Studies in Modernism (3) Literary modernisms, 1880-1945, including genres, techniques, philosophical questions, historical and cultural contexts, and social and political issues.
16:350:597Studies in Postmodernism (3) Literatures and performances of postmodernism, late 1950s-2000, including genres, techniques, and theories, as well as cultural and political debates and movements.
16:350:598Contemporary Literature and Culture (3) Diverse works in fiction, poetry, drama, and film, created over the past 15 to 20 years, that contribute to our sense of the contemporary moment.
16:350:601,602Readings in British and American Literature (3,3) Intensive reading in any period of English and American literature in preparation for the Ph.D. qualifying examination.
16:350:603Seminar: Genre Theory (3) Investigation into the nature and utility of the category of genre in literary theory and practice.
16:350:604Seminar: Theories of Narrative (3) Narrative forms (biography, case history, ethnography) in relation to the novel as genre and the interdisciplinary theory of narrative.
16:350:605Seminar: Feminist Theories and Controversies (3) Intensive investigation of theoretical arguments in second- wave feminism concerning subjectivity, the body, agency, experience, community, and the challenges of postmodern and postcolonial theory.
16:350:606Seminar: Topics In Cultural Studies (3) Investigation of texts and materials using the methods of cultural studies to illuminate a question or problem of contemporary interest.
16:350:607Seminar: Topics in Criticism and Theory (3) Selected texts in literary and cultural criticism; organized around a key theoretical issue.
16:350:608Seminar: Topics in Colonial/Postcolonial Theory (3) Theoretical approaches to literatures and cultures produced within or in response to the experience of colonization.
16:350:611Seminar: Chaucer (3) Chaucer`s works and issues for research: history of criticism, theoretical frameworks, relations between Chaucer and his late medieval milieu.
16:350:612Seminar: Medieval Literature (3) Works of writers other than Chaucer; topics such as advanced Old English language and literature, the Arthurian tradition, Middle English dialects, women mystics, lyric poetry, medieval literary theory.
16:350:613Seminar: Medieval Romance (3) English and continental works, such as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Malory`s Le Morte d`Arthur, and the Romance of the Rose considered in generic terms as well as from other perspectives such as historicist, feminist, and poststructuralist.
16:350:616Seminar: Spenser and His Contemporaries (3) Study of the poetry and related criticism.
16:350:617Seminar: Renaissance Drama (3) Aspects of form in Elizabethan drama, with some attention to Shakespeare. Staging, dramatic structure, conventions of character, the interplay of verbal and nonverbal symbolism.
16:350:618Seminar: Topics in Shakespeare (3) Selected poems and plays; readings in related materials.
16:350:619Seminar: Gender and Sexuality in Renaissance Literature (3) Exploration of representations of gender and sexuality, constructions of masculinity and femininity, and conditions of writing for women in the Renaissance.
16:350:620,621Seminar: Topics in Renaissance Literature and Culture (3,3) Topics of significant contemporary interest in the study of Renaissance literature and culture.
16:350:622Seminar: Topics in 17th-Century Literature and Culture (3) Topics of significant contemporary interest in the study of 17th-century literature and culture.
16:350:624Seminar: Eighteenth-Century Nonfiction Prose (3) Study of motives, conventions, styles, and cultural contexts with emphasis on politics and rhetoric. Texts by Swift, Pope, Johnson, and their contemporaries.
16:350:626Seminar: Eighteenth-Century Novel (3) Studies in Defoe, Fielding, Richardson, Sterne, Austen, and their contemporaries.
16:350:627Seminar: Eighteenth-Century Poetry (3) Studies in Dryden, Pope, Gray, and their contemporaries.
16:350:628Seminar: Eighteenth-Century Literary Criticism and Theory (3) Major critical writings of Dryden, Addison, Johnson, and Reynolds; classical and continental backgrounds; the emergence of post-Augustan theories of imagination.
16:350:629Seminar: Topics in 18th-Century Literature and Culture (3) Topics of significant contemporary interest in the study of 18th-century literature and culture.
16:350:632,633Seminar: Topics in Romantic Literature and Culture (3,3) Critical study of two or more romantic poets in the context of the British and continental romantic movement.
16:350:634,635Seminar: English Romantic Poets (3,3) Critical study of the major works. Consideration of the relation- ship of Wordsworth and Coleridge and of their differing critical concepts.
16:350:636Seminar: Jane Austen in Context (3) Novels of Jane Austen considered in the contexts of 18th-century literature and social history, and of Victorian and modern criticism of fiction.
16:350:639Seminar: Victorian Prose (3) Study of one or more 19th-century prose writers (Carlyle, Mill, Newman, Darwin, Arnold, Ruskin, Pater) in historical and cultural contexts and in relation to current theoretical discussions of prose writing.
16:350:640Seminar: Victorian Poetry (3) Study of one or more Victorian poets (Tennyson, Barrett Browning, Browning, Arnold, Christina Rossetti, the Pre-Raphaelites, Hardy, Hopkins) in relation to genre, form, and cultural situation.
16:350:641Seminar: Victorian Fiction (3) Study of one or more major writers (Scott, Dickens, Thackeray, the Brontės, George Eliot, and Hardy) in conjunction with other genres in the period and current theoretical work on narrative.
16:350:642Seminar: Topics in 19th-Century Literature and Culture (3) Topics of significant contemporary interest in the study of 19th-century literature and culture.
16:350:645Seminar: Colonial and Early 19th-Century American Literature (3) Selected works and related scholarship.
16:350:646Seminar: Nineteenth-Century American Fiction (3) Consideration of the American romance; Gothic and Puritan influences in Irving, Cooper, Poe, Hawthorne, Stowe, Melville, Alcott, Twain, Howell, and James.
16:350:647Seminar: Nineteenth-Century American Poetry (3) Major texts of Whitman and Dickinson, Whitman`s influence on modern poets of the "open form"; conflicts of self and culture.
16:350:648Seminar: American Women Writers (3) Cather, Glasgow, Wharton, Stein, and others in the context of the literature and social environs in which they worked.
16:350:649Seminar: Major Authors in American Literature (3) Significant texts and criticism; social and cultural contexts.
16:350:650Seminar: Major Authors in Anglophone Literature (3) Significant texts and criticism; social and cultural contexts.
16:350:653,654Seminar: Topics in 20th-Century Studies (3,3) Topics of significant contemporary interest in the study of 20th-century literature and culture.
16:350:655Seminar: Topics in African-American Literature and Culture (3) Topics of significant contemporary interest in the study of African-American literature and culture.
16:350:656Seminar: Performance and Postmodern Theater (3) Performance from DADA through the Situationists, Fluxus, and "performance art." Performance theory and practice in relation to dramatic texts and critical and social theory since the 1960s.
16:350:657Seminar: Twentieth-Century Poetry (3) Major works of selected 20th-century poets; critical and cultural contexts.
16:350:658Seminar: Twentieth-Century Fiction (3) Major works of selected 20th-century novelists; critical and cultural contexts.
16:350:659Seminar: Literary Criticism and Social Critique (3) Literary criticism as a method of social analysis; consideration of the overlap of politics and aesthetics.
16:350:660Seminar: Topics in Colonial/Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures (3) Literatures of Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia that emerged in response to European colonization.
16:350:661Seminar: Topics in Modernism/Postmodernism (3) Topics that explore the divide/connection between modernism and postmodernism.
16:350:662Seminar: Topics in Irish Literature and Culture (3) Yeats, Synge, Joyce, and others in their cultural, social, and artistic contexts.
16:350:663,664Seminar: Topics in Contemporary Literature and Culture (3,3) Explores a specific problem, project, or practice in contemporary literature and culture.
16:350:701,702Research in Literature (BA,BA)
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