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The Mason Gross School of the Arts
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  Mason Gross School of the Arts 2007-2009 Graduate Programs in Visual Arts Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses
08:081:513,514 Drawing I (3,3) Not a traditional drawing course. Exploration of drawing skills used in today's artmaking and the relationship of individual work to current art. Analysis and critique of student work in a wide range of media, including the theoretical and technical aspects of the work. Focus on concept of drawing as inquiry, and investigation of how inquiry infuses the making of art, its intentions, and its means. Review of current art criticism, various social and economic perspectives, and the continually changing role of the artist in society.
08:081:515,516 Printmaking I (3,3) Expression of ideas through traditional and nontraditional printmaking processes. Students work in media that result in multiples or use printmaking to produce unique images, such as monoprints. Students also may produce artists' books or three-dimensional prints. They may combine printmaking with other media, such as computers or video. The course features readings, exhibition visits, and discussions of contemporary art issues. Assistance in the implementation of print media including intaglio, relief, silkscreen, digital prints, and other media is available. There is an opportunity to work with visiting artists.
08:081:517,518 Painting and Studio Problems I (3,3) Studio critique of painting to facilitate development of a personal style as idiom. Shared readings, individual studio visits, group critiques of graduate student exhibitions, and discussion of New York gallery and museum exhibitions are all required.
08:081:519,520 Electronic Imaging: Theory and Practice I (3,3) Addresses theoretical and critical issues in the field intersecting art and technology. An in-depth survey of contemporary electronic art will be the basis for students developing their own works. Students may produce entirely digital projects or adapt their existing traditional studio practices into hybrid digital projects. Digital skills appropriate to contemporary studio art practices will be presented.
08:081:521,522 Visiting Artists (First-Year Review) (3,3) This is a required course for both the fall and spring semesters. It features weekly presentations and lectures from noted artists, critics, and curators invited to the school.  Each student will participate in a limited number of individual studio visits with invited guest presenters. At the end of the first and second semesters, the faculty conducts a review where the students present their work for critique. The first-year review takes the form of a critique of work exhibited in the First Year Graduate Student Exhibition usually scheduled from mid-November to December of the first semester in the Civic Square Building galleries and an individual studio review at the end of the second semester.
08:081:523,524 Sculpture I (3,3) The class will emphasize artistic growth and the development of critical skills through group meetings and individual critiques. Class discussions focused on relevant current issues will take place on a regular basis throughout the semester.
08:081:525,526 Research Projects I (3,3) Individual project proposed by student to faculty member of choice who approved the project and then acts as an adviser.
08:081:529,530 Photo Image I (3,3) This studio course explores historical, expressive, formal, representational, critical, and technical aspects of the varied, fluid, pervasive medium.  Student artists will work independently and will present photographs and/or any photo-related work for consideration in group and individual studio critiques.
08:081:531,532 Video/Media Workshop I (3,3) Part seminar and part studio course.  An investigation of issues and trends in contemporary media art to develop a critical discourse within which to discuss graduate student media productions.
08:081:533,534 Sculpture Critique I (3,3) Emphasis is placed on developing a critical dialog about student's art work through critiques and readings. Gallery and museum visits are required throughout the semester.
08:081:535,536 Events and Performance I (3,3) Graduate students will explore the medium of events and performance in relationship to their own creative work. New students to performance will be given step-by-step exercises to assist in building and creating event and performance works. Personal methods of creating art and finding one's own voice will be emphasized and pursued.  When needed, specific exercises will be given in body movement and awareness. According to the specific interest of the student, prop/sculpture can be constructed, and a variety of mixed media techniques, including video, can be utilized. Some history and the work of contemporary performance artists will be discussed particularly when the work is relevant to the interests of an individual graduate student. All student work will be critiqued. The class will attend at least one performance together in the New York/New Jersey area.
08:081:543,544 Art Criticism I (3,3) Examination of the symbiotic relationship between an artist and the discourse in which his or her work is embedded.
08:081:547,548 Artistic Practice I (3,3) Emphasis is on your practice. The focus includes four areas in measures appropriate to each student. The areas are: 3d modeling; incorporating digital capabilities into your practice (to communicate about your work or to make art with it); individual critiques (with follow up reading and research); and developing artists' statements and other written materials around your work.
08:081:551,552 Studio Internship I (3,3) Offers direct experience in the profession. Student is responsible for locating internships with master artists, galleries, alternative art spaces, periodicals, and programs. The graduate director acts as the liaison once the internship is established.
08:081:553,554 Painting and Practice I (3,3) Weekly seminar where public and private methods of critique and studio practices are explored through group critiques, presentations, and in-class participation.
08:081:569,570 Photo and Media I (3,3) Investigation of current thinking about various media, with emphasis on reproductive media, particularly film, video, and photography. Works of art, including mass-market films, viewed and discussed. Class discussion and studies of critical writings emphasized. Open to students in any medium.
08:081:571,572 Current Issues in Art Practice I (3,3) Individual studio critique and group classroom discussion of contemporary issues. 
08:081:573 Collaborative Art Practice I (3) Fall Semester Only This course is concerned with exploring forms of artistic engagement located outside of an individual studio practice. It looks at ideas concerning the pragmatics of art and focuses on issues of audience and social relations. It consists of group discussions, readings, and site visits leading to the development of collaborative projects. Participants may work with their colleagues or with groups, individuals, or institutions in the school, the university, or the wider community.
08:081:613,614 Drawing II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:513,514 Drawing I.
08:081:615,616 Printmaking II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:515,516 Printmaking I.
08:081:617,618 Painting and Studio Problems II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:517,518 Painting and Studio Problems I.
08:081:619,620 Electronic Imaging: Theory and Practice II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:519,520 Electronic Imaging: Theory and Practice I.
08:081:621,622 Visiting Artists (3,3) Lectures and presentations of work and ideas by noted guest artists, critics, and curators. Discussion of issues. Weekly presentations from artists and critics invited to the school.  Students may participate in a limited number of individual studio visits.
08:081:623,624 Sculpture II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:523,524 Sculpture I.
08:081:625,626 Research Projects II (3,3) Individual project proposed by student to faculty member of choice, who approves the project and then acts as an adviser.
08:081:629,630 Photo Image II (3,3) Photography seminar for second-year students. Organization and activities similar to 08:081:529,530 Photo Image I. Students may continue development and exploration undertaken in Photo Image I or explore new areas.
08:081:631,632 Video/Media Workshop II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:531,532 Video/Media Workshop I.
08:081:633,634 Sculpture Critique II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:533,534 Sculpture Critique I (3,3)
08:081:635,636 Events and performance II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:535,536 Events and Performance I.
08:081:643,644 Art Criticism II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:543,544 Art Criticism I.
08P:081:647,648 Artistic Practice II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:547,548 Artistic Practice I
08:081:651,652 Studio Internship II (3,3) Offers direct experience in the profession for the second-year graduate student, who is responsible for locating internships with master artists, galleries, alternative art spaces, periodicals, and programs. The graduate director acts as the liaison once the internship is established.
08:081:653,654 Painting and Practice II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:553, 554 Painting and Practice I
08:081:669,670 Photo and Media II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:569,570 Photo and Media I.
08:081:671,672 Current Issues in Art Practice II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:571,572 Current Issues in Art Practice I.
08:081:673 Collaborative Art Practice II (3) Fall semester only Continuation of 08:081:573 Collaborative Art Practice I.
08:081:703 Thesis (3) The graduate written thesis, presented in the student's last semester, can be a discussion of the thesis exhibition or of one's work in general, or of theoretical questions, research, or investigations in any related art area.
08:081:704 Exhibition (3) The exhibition shall be a presentation of the result of two years of creative work in the program. It takes place through the final spring term in the Civic Square Building galleries, and a student's exhibit is subject to committee review, consultation, and evaluation by the thesis committee and other members of the graduate faculty.
08:081:800 Matriculation Continued (0) In order to retain degree-seeking status in the program until all requirements are completed, students must maintain continuous registration by registering each fall and spring semester in coursework, research, or matriculation continued.  Students who fail to maintain their status must apply for reinstatement.
08:081:877 Teaching Assistantship (E3) After being selected for a teaching assistantship, students register for these 3 credits, but these credits are extra and do not count toward the 60 credits needed for graduation.
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