Beginning with the fall 2016 semester:
a. For elective classes other than clinics, students have the option of choosing between a letter-grade system and a Pass/D+/D/F system. A letter grade for every student will be entered by the professor. A student may, however, choose for the grade to be recorded by the registrar on a Pass/D+/D/F system whereby a grade of A, B, or C (including pluses and minuses) is entered on the student's transcript as a "Pass." A grade of D+, D, or F will be recorded as a D+, D, or F regardless of whether students choose this option. The Pass/D+/D/F option is available only in elective courses and may be exercised in only one course during law school. Grades of "Pass" earned in a noncourse credit enterprise such as an externship or journal participation do not count as an exercise of this option. When choosing this option, students provide the registrar with a target letter grade of B+ or higher. If that grade or higher is earned, the letter grade is entered, and the one-time option is deemed not to have been used. If the student earns a grade lower than the target, but not a D+, D, or F, a grade of "P" is recorded, and the student may not exercise the option again.
b. Students who wish to exercise this option must make this decision by the end of the add/drop period. Decisions on opting cannot be changed after the deadline. Opting forms for the Pass/D+/D/F system are available from the Rutgers Law School registrar and on the website.
c. Letter grades in courses taken Pass/D+/D/F are unofficial and are not recognized by the school for any purpose except for compliance with scholastic standing regulations. Students who elect this option may not themselves publish the letter grade entered by the professor for any purpose, if that letter grade is later learned. A student who fails to choose the Pass/D+/D/F option will automatically be given a letter grade.