Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly competitive and requires a formal application with supporting documents, a full résumé, and evidence of research ability. All applications are reviewed by the faculty of the doctoral program. In most cases, only applicants who have already completed a master's degree or its equivalent are considered for admission. In rare instances, exceptional students may be considered after they receive their bachelor's degree or, for students enrolled in Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy master's programs, after completion of 12 credits of graduate coursework.
The number of students admitted to doctoral study is dependent upon (1) the number of applicants who display superior qualifications and ability and (2) the faculty's capacity to provide high-quality supervision in the students' areas of interest. Completion of the doctoral degree generally takes a minimum of four to
five years. Student progress toward the degree is reviewed each
semester by the doctoral faculty as part of a broad program of student
advising and mentoring between faculty and students and
among doctoral student peers. There is no requirement for full-time
residency and no language requirement, except at the discretion of the
student's dissertation committee. However, each semester prior to their
qualifying examinations, students must register for at least 6
coursework credits (usually equivalent to two classes).
Bloustein School doctoral students have received a wide variety of awards and fellowships. Program graduates have obtained senior positions in universities, research centers, governments, nonprofit organizations, and the private sector.