M.C.R.P. (Rutgers-Bloustein School)/M.I.P. (NJIT) Dual-Degree Program
important new step was taken in 2004 to expand educational
opportunities in the urban planning field with the agreement between the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers
and the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) to implement a dual master of city and regional planning and master in infrastructure planning degree program (M.C.R.P./M.I.P.). The Bloustein School's
planning program offers a broad array of courses in such areas as
housing, transportation, community development, environment, urban and
regional economics, and information technology, as well as
concentrations in several specialized areas. The M.C.R.P. degree is
fully accredited and widely recognized.
The 60-credit dual M.C.R.P./M.I.P. degree program can be
completed in two years of full-time study. The total of 84 credits that
would be required to obtain the two degrees separately (48 for M.C.R.P.
and 36 for the M.I.P.) is thus reduced by 24 credits, and the time from
three to two years. The dual degree combines the complementary
strengths of the two programs and provides a broad professional
education ranging from city and regional policy planning to physical
infrastructure planning and urban design. The program is intended to
draw students from architecture, engineering, and the social sciences.
Two alternative dual degree tracks are offered. The
M.C.R.P./M.I.P. track provides a sequence of courses suitable for
students with educational backgrounds in the social sciences and
The M.I.P./M.C.R.P. track is intended for students with degrees in
architecture or related fields or who are prospective graduates of the
master of architecture (M. Arch) degree program at NJIT. In each case, students attend classes at both
Rutgers and NJIT, requiring course schedule coordination across
campuses but offering a rich set of experiences and interactions.