Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
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Public Policy Program
Urban Planning and Policy Development Program
Undergraduate Programs
Programs of Study
Course Listing
Explanation of Three-Part Course Codes
Planning and Public Policy 762
Public Health 832
Additional Degrees: Graduate Public Health
Administration, Centers, and Faculty
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Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy 2009-2011 Undergraduate Programs Course Listing Public Health 832  

Public Health 832

10:832:101 Introduction to Policy, Planning, and Health (3) Overview of public health, public policy, and urban planning with an emphasis on how these fields intersect in a U.S. context. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:101. Course not open to seniors.
10:832:232 Principles of Public Health (3) Dimensions of personal and environmental health and their relationship to social, economic, cultural, psychological, and political factors. Measurements of community health status.
10:832:243 Wellness Learning Community I (1.5)

In a shared learning experience, students examine wellness at personal, institutional, and community levels.

10:832:244 Wellness Learning Community II (1.5) In a shared learning experience, students create and implement a wellness intervention.
10:832:252 Health and Social Justice (3) Selected health topics, intervention theories, skills, and strategies for influencing both personal and community health behavior. Credit not given for both this course and 01:377:252. Course not open to seniors.
10:832:298,299 Independent Study (BA,BA) Prerequisites: Students must contract with a faculty sponsor and be granted permission by the program director.
10:832:301 Sexual Health Advocacy I (3) Opportunities for learning new information about sexual health and community development, strengthening critical thinking skills, and broadening empathy for others. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Course not open to seniors.
10:832:302 Sexual Health Advocacy II (3) Further exploration into issues of sexual health for college students and the community with a focus on social justice, education, and advocacy. Prerequisites: 10:832:301, 303, and permission of instructor.
10:832:332 Public Health Economics (4) Principles of microeconomics are used to examine the demand for health, medical care, and health insurance and the behaviors of medical care providers. Analysis of health care behavior. Credit not given for both this course and 01:220:316. Prerequisite: 01:220:102.
10:832:333 Financial Aspects of Public Health (3) Financing management tools for various care delivery settings. Develop analytical skills to interpret financial information and understand the processes and tasks performed by the financial departments of an institution. Prerequisite: 01:220:102.
10:832:334 Principles of Health Administration (3) Application of administrative theory to health delivery, policy, and planning. Structures and functions of management and their application in the field. Credit not given for both this course and 11:375:406.
10:832:335 Epidemiology (3) Principles and methods of epidemiology; the study of the distribution (patterns of occurrence) and determinants (causes) of disease and injury in human populations. Credit not given for both this course and 11:375:403. Prerequisite: A basic statistics course.
10:832:338 Health and Public Policy (3) Comparative and analytical study of health services in the United States and selected other countries. Theoretical framework for viewing organizational issues in the delivery of health services.
10:832:339 Public Health Literature (3) Examines historic and current public health literature. Effective writing emphasized through intensive writing exercises.
10:832:345 Health Program Development (3) Planning for the promotion and improvement of the public's health through individual, group, institution, and community level interventions. Prerequisite: Recommended: 01:830:101.
10:832:346 Health Program Evaluation (3) Ensuring that public health actions are effective requires evaluating programs after their implementation. Focus on the framework, key concepts, and standards of effective evaluation.
10:832:350 Drugs, Culture, and Society (3) The history, physical/psychological effects, current trends, and legal/social consequences of drugs. Discussion of prevention, intervention, and treatment approaches. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:350.
10:832:352 Advanced Community Health Promotion (3) Students work as a team on select topics. Topics include, but are not limited to, grant writing, needs assessment, and data collection. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Recommended: 01:830:101.
10:832:356 Public Health Law and Ethics (3) An introduction to public health law and ethics, stressing community health and well-being versus the rights of the individual.
10:832:400 UMDNJ-SPH (BA) Open to students admitted to the five-year B.S./M.P.H. program by permission only.
10:832:414 Culture and Health (3) Belief and value systems rooted in families are analyzed, along with perceptions and experiences of health/wellness and disease/illness. Focus on how selections are made between traditional health care practitioners and alternative healers. Open to seniors only.
10:832:415 Women and Health (3) Exploration of issues raised by women's health care needs and by women's participation in the health labor force, in the context of contemporary feminist thought. Open to seniors only.
10:832:416 Mental Illness Policy (3) Historical and contemporary policies regarding mental health care in the United States. Deinstitutionalization, public versus private care facilities, patient and consumer empowerment. Field visits. Open to juniors and seniors only.
10:832:417 Population Tools and Policy (3) Basic demographic concepts, methods, and their application. Population growth, mortality, fertility, migration, and marriage patterns. Special topics include AIDS, world population growth, and teen pregnancy. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:417.
10:832:420 GIS Health and Planning (3) Computing concepts and methods applicable to planning and health, including database management, introduction to GIS, and graphics. Credit not given for this course and 10:762:420.
10:832:437 Issues in Environmental and Occupational Health (3) Contemporary topics in environmental and occupational health, including workers' compensation, ergonomics, hazardous waste, and air and water pollution.
10:832:438 Environmental and Public Health Practice (6) This 240-hour, seven-week intensive course prepares students to sit for the Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) examination. Offered in the summer only.
10:832:462 Human Rights and Health (3) Covers human rights law, its uses in wartime, the theoretical reframing of women's rights, and its application to health and health care. Open to seniors only. Credit not given for this course and 10:762:462.
10:832:476 Immigration Policy and Health (3) Facts and controversies surrounding immigration. Legislative history, urban and public health impacts, and racial implications. Open to seniors only. Credit not given for this course and 10:762:476.
10:832:477 Immigration Policy and Health (CESEP) (1) A 40-hour community service component focused on immigration activities. Application of the principles learned in 10:832:476 to the community setting. Open to seniors only. Corequisite: 10:832:476. Credit not given for this course and 10:762:477.
10:832:483 Protecting Public Health and the Environment (3) The policies and realities confronting places trying to protect community health in the face of economic feasibility and political forces. Credit not given for this course and 10:762:483.
10:832:490,491 Independent Study (BA,BA) Open to 832 majors only. Prerequisite: Students must contract with a faculty sponsor and be granted permission by the program director.
10:832:495,496 Special Topics (3,3) Topics vary. These courses are designed to address current issues in public health.
10:832:499 Internship with Seminar (6) A 225-hour field experience in the public or private sector plus a weekly classroom experience. Students are required to complete a contracted project under the supervision of a field preceptor and a faculty supervisor. Projects are presented in a public forum. Open to 832 majors only. Prerequisites: Completion of 100 credits toward graduation and major core requirements.
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