With permission of the program director, students may take 34:833:671 Internship in Public Policy for credit toward either the M.P.P. or the M.P.A.P. degree. Students taking the internship usually work for eight to 10 hours per week in a policy or public affairs position, and a faculty member supervises a writing project that integrates their work experience with an academic perspective.
Students in the M.P.P. program are required to take Applied Field Experience (34:833:672) in the summer between their first and second years in the program. Students work in a policy or public affairs position for at least 20 hours per week for 14 weeks of the summer and engage in a writing project under the supervision of the program director.
Exceptional students may engage in an Independent Study (34:833:670), through which they can pursue their own research interests. Such students must make arrangements for supervision by a member of the faculty and for permission by the program director.