Introduction to Logic, Reasoning, and Persuasion (3)
Development of skills in reasoning. Consideration of what an argument is, how arguments go wrong, and what makes an argument valid. Application of techniques for clarifying meaning, evaluating, and constructing arguments.
Formerly 50:730:141. Enrollment not open to students who have taken 50:730:201.
Introduction to Current Moral and Social Issues (3)
Introduction to moral theory and application to selected contemporary issues. Possible topics include abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, punishment, equality, sexism, racism, affirmative action, privacy, obligations to the world's needy, treatment of animals, drug use, and the meaning of life.
Formerly 50:730:315, 316.
Introduction to Philosophy (3)
An exploration of central philosophical problems, such as truth, justice, mind, and person, with a view to surveying the field and locating particular philosophical specialties within it such as logic, ethics, and metaphysics.
Reading Seminar (3)
this small, seminar-style course, students will work through either one
significant book or a similarly substantive collection of essays, with
the topic varying by semester. Students will engage in intensive close
reading of the philosophical texts, identifying particular arguments,
premises, and claims for assessment during student discussion in the
seminar meetings. The course meets for 1/3 the time of a regular course,
that is, on average one hour a week (or two hours every other week).
This course can be repeated up to three times for credit. (Note that there is also a similar course in Religion, 50:840:190, which can be taken up to an additional three times.)
Lab in Diversity (0)
Additional cross-listed lab for occasional courses meeting the general education diversity requirement.
Lab in Engaged Civic Learning (0)
Additional cross-listed lab for occasional courses meeting the general education engaged civic learning requirement.
Lab in Experiential Learning (0)
Additional cross-listed lab for occasional courses meeting the general education experiential learning requirement.
Lab in Writing (0)
Additional cross-listed lab for occasional courses meeting the general education writing requirement.
Symbolic Logic (3)
An introduction to modern symbolic logic, with an emphasis on methods for the evaluation and construction of deductive arguments, and on the concepts of validity, consistency, and implication. Additional topics may be selected from among the following: informal fallacies, logic and ordinary language, induction, the scientific method, syllogistic logic, and the relation between logic and other areas in philosophy.
Satisfies requirement for philosophy major.
History of Philosophy I (R) (3)
The beginnings and early developments of Western philosophy. Readings selected from among the pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, Sextus-Empiricus, Plotinus, Augustine, Aquinas, and Occam. Topics may include the nature of argument, knowledge, political loyalty and political dissent, justice, normative ethics, causality, the nature of the self, and the existence of God.
Satisfies requirement for the philosophy major and minor.
History of Philosophy II (R) (3)
The development of philosophy from its modern beginnings in Descartes. Readings selected from the classical modern period, from Descartes through Kant. Topics include the relationship between mind and body, the origins and extent of human knowledge, skepticism and beliefs, skepticism and beliefs, and the meaning of personal identity.
Formerly 50:730:302. Satisfies requirement for the philosophy major and minor.
Eastern Philosophies (G) (3)
An introduction to the philosophical traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism,
Taoism, and Confucianism, focusing on the issues of metaphysics,
mysticism, epistemology, ethics, and the nature of consciousness.
Africana Philosophy (D) (3)
Africana (or African-American) philosophy, the modern intellectual tradition of the African diaspora in North America and the Caribbean, deals with philosophical issues related to identity, race, and culture; the phenomenon and experience of oppression and liberation; and contemporary philosophical concerns about the black past, present, and future.
American Philosophy (3)
Introduction to the contributions of American philosophers in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries to inquiries into the nature of experience, truth, goodness, and society, with particular attention paid to the tradition of American pragmatism. Readings selected from among Emerson, Peirce, James, Dewey, Mead, Royce, Lewis, Rorty, and Putnam.
Formerly 50:730:367.
Mind, Knowledge, and Reality (3)
An investigation of fundamental problems in metaphysics, epistemology, and the philosophy of mind. Topics addressed include the nature of the mind, its relation to the world, and the possibilities for knowledge.
Satisfies requirement in metaphysics/epistemology for philosophy major and minor.
Nature of Mind (3)
What is the mind? Is it part of physical reality, or something separate?
Can science explain the nature of the mind? Is it possible for a
properly programmed computer to have a mind? If the mind is completely
physical, is it located entirely in the brain? We will investigate these
questions, and contrast philosophical approaches to them with the
methods employed in neuroscience and empirical psychology.
Satisfies requirement in metaphysics/epistemology for philosophy major and mnor.
Self and Identity (3)
An exploration of the nature of the self, with emphasis on the conditions and relation between selfhood and moral responsibility.
Formerly 50:730:181. Satisfies requirement in metaphysics/epistemology for philosophy major and minor.
Ethics (R) (3)
An examination of fundamental issues in ethical theory through the works of contemporary philosophers and key figures in the history of ethics such as Aristotle, Kant, and Mill. Topics may include human goodness, moral obligation, rights and duties, the relation of happiness to duties, the idea of role obligations specific to professional contexts, and the possibility of objective justifications of value judgments as contrasted with views from moral nihilists, skeptics, and relativists.
Satisfies requirement in ethical/political/social theory for philosophy major and minor.
Debating Ethical Issues across Disciplines (3)
course trains students in ethical reasoning and argumentation through
both the study of ethics as a discipline and the practice of ethical
debate in an ethics bowl competition. Students gain not only an
understanding of ethical ideas and argumentation, but also skills in
constructing arguments, oral communication, close reading, community
outreach, and event organization.
Biomedical Ethics (3)
Exploration of moral issues in medicine and medical research. Course will typically focus on issues raised by the creation and termination of life and includes topics such as abortion, stem cell research, cloning, prenatal screening for disability, right to medical care, human experimentation, genetic enhancement and eugenics, animal experimentation, the diagnosis of death, and euthanasia.
Formerly 50:730:349.
Environmental Ethics (3)
Exploration of ethical issues concerning the environment. Course will typically focus on issues raised by the moral justification of coercing individuals and corporations, just distribution of resources, moral rights of animals, and the study of topical issues such as clean air standards, population control, and land use.
Ethics and Business (3)
Social and moral problems that arise in the context of business: profit motive, corporate social responsibility, use and abuse of corporate power, truth in advertising, consumer rights, strikes, stockholders' rights, preferential hiring. Contemporary case studies augmented with basic texts in ethics.
Formerly 50:730:260.
Eating Right: The Ethics of Food Choices and Food Policy (3)
Exploration of ethical issues concerning individual food choices, food policies, and the cultural importance of culinary traditions. Course will analyze arguments concerning vegetarian and vegan diets, for organic and/or local food choices, and about policies we should collectively adopt to shape the processing, marketing, and sale of food within communities.
Philosophy of Literature (3)
An exploration of philosophical questions about literature, including interpretation in criticism, the nature of critical evaluation, truth in fiction, and metaphor. Specific literary work selected to serve as a base for the discussion of these philosophical issues.
Philosophy of Law (3)
Introduction to philosophical issues concerning the nature of law and its relation to morality and to power. Focuses on the concept of justice and punishment, the function of law, and types of legal argument. Legal materials include cases drawn from constitutional law, contracts, torts, and criminal law.
Formerly 50:730:320.
Philosophy and the Arts (3)
Introduction to the major issues in the philosophy of art, with an emphasis on the implications of recent developments in film, music, painting, and digital media for art theory.
Formerly 50:730:361.
Philosophical Ideas in Film (3)
An exploration of classic philosophical questions as represented in film. Possible
topics include (but are not limited to) truth, skepticism, relativism,
personal identity, determinism, artificial intelligence, and the problem
of evil. Film
representations of these classic questions will be identified and
evaluated from the perspective of various philosophers, possibly
including Plato, Russell, James, Descartes, Berkeley, Kant, Locke, Hume,
and others
Philosophy of Religion (3)
Introduction to philosophical issues concerning religion including the existence and nature of God, the problem of evil, faith versus knowledge, mysticism, the problem of religious language, and attacks on religion by authors such as Hume, Nietzsche, Marx, and Freud.
Formerly 50:730:326.
Existentialism (3)
Critical examination of the works of existential philosophers and the ways in which their analysis of human existence affects their views of freedom, choice, and action. Authors may include Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Jaspers, Buber, Marcel, Sartre, and Merleau-Ponty.
Formerly 50:730:344.
Special Topics in Philosophy (3)
Lab 2 in Diversity (0)
Additional cross-listed lab for occasional courses meeting the general education diversity requirement.
Lab 2 in Engaged Civic Learning (0)
Additional cross-listed lab for occasional courses meeting the general education engaged civic learning requirement.
Lab 2 in Experiential Learning (0)
Additional cross-listed lab for occasional courses meeting the general education experiential learning requirement.
Lab 2 in Writing (0)
Additional cross-listed lab for occasional courses meeting the general education writing requirement.
Intermediate Logic (3)
A continuation of 50:730:201, with an emphasis on application. Predicate logic with identity, soundness, and completeness. Topics selected from among axiomatic theories, nontruth-functional logics (such as modal, deontic, and epistemic), set theory, and issues in philosophy of logic and language.
Prerequisite: 50:730:201 or permission of instructor.
Topics in Ancient Philosophy (3)
Critical examination of major issues in ancient philosophy as discussed in the works selected from, for example, pre-Socratic philosophers, Plato, Aristotle, Stoics, Skeptics, Epicureans, Plotinus, and the neo-Platonic tradition. Course content varies from year to year, either by dealing primarily with particular issues (metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, social and political philosophy, or aesthetics, for example) or by dealing primarily with the works of a subset of philosophers.
Topics in Modern Philosophy (3)
Critical examination of major issues in 17th- and 18th-century philosophy as discussed in works selected from, for example, Descartes, Malebranche, Spinoza, Locke, Leibniz, Berkeley, Hume, Kant or others. Course content varies from year to year, either by dealing primarily with particular issues (metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, social and political philosophy, or aesthetics, for example) or by dealing primarily with the works of a subset of philosophers.
Formerly 50:730:313.
Nineteenth-Century Philosophy (3)
Critical responses to Kant and the philosophy of the Enlightenment, the rise of the social sciences, and antecedents of 20th-century intellectual movements. Readings from among philosophers such as Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, and Kierkegaard.
Twentieth-Century Philosophy (3)
Major movements in 20th-century philosophy, such as American Pragmatism, development of logic, logical positivism, existentialism, phenomenology, structuralism and post-structuralism, and deconstruction. Philosophers such as Pierce, James, Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Sartre, Arendt, Heidegger, Husserl, Gadamer, Foucault, and Derrida.
Formerly 50:730:308.
Contemporary Legal Issues (3)
This course provides an in-depth examination of a selected theoretical or applied problem in the law. Specific topics covered are rotated from semester to semester depending on the interests of participating faculty and students. Some examples of special topics are: theories of judicial interpretation, theoretical problems in criminal justice, and the contours of the moral obligation to obey the law.
Ethics and the Future of Humanity (3)
Exploration of moral and social issues pertaining to emerging technologies. Topics covered include human enhancement, artificial intelligence, robotics, reproductive technology and cloning, and artificial life.
Ethics of War and Conflict (3)
Exploration of moral issues raised by collective violence through critical examination of the traditional theories of just war. Topics may include foundations of the right of self-defense, notions of a just cause for war, preventive war, humanitarian intervention, distinction between legitimate and illegitimate targets of attack, basis of moral liability to attack in war, terrorism, interrogational torture, and the relation between the morality of war and the law of war.
Satisfies requirement in ethical/political/social theory for philosophy major and minor.
Evil (3)
Examines the phenomenon and meaning of evil, especially
"moral" evil. Key questions pursued are how evil may be explained, why
humanity is capable of it in the first place, whether it belongs to
some or all people, how to differentiate its perpetrators and its
victims, whether evil is compatible with the existence of a good God,
and how one may judge the difference between evil and good. These and
other fundamental questions are pursued through a range of classic,
historical, and contemporary texts and in relation to examples of evil in today's world.
Enrollment not open to students who have taken 50:840:333.
Philosophy of Science (3)
Examination of major philosophical issues concerning science. Topics selected from among science and pseudoscience; scientific explanation, method, theories, laws, and falsification; scope and limits of science; revolutions in science; science and ethics.
Satisfies requirement in metaphysics/epistemology for philosophy major and minor.
Philosophy of Mind (3)
An examination of the nature and characteristics of the mind. Possible topics include the mind-body problem, artificial intelligence, thought, consciousness, perception, emotion, and the self.
Formerly 50:730:418. Satisfies requirement in metaphysics/epistemology for philosophy major and minor.
Theory of Knowledge (3)
An examination of the nature of knowledge, as well as the possibilities and limitations on obtaining it. Topics of study include truth, justification, rationality, and skepticism.
Formerly 50:730:412. Satisfies requirement in metaphysics/epistemology for philosophy major and minor.
Metaphysics (3)
An investigation into what exists and the different modes of existence. Topics to be explored include appearance and reality, objects and universals, time, free-will and determinism, and personal identity.
Formerly 50:730:415. Satisfies requirement in metaphysics/epistemology for philosophy major and minor.
Political Philosophy (3)
Critical examination of the philosophical problems involved in theories of the state and its relationship to citizens. Topics include the nature and justification of political obligations, natural rights, justice, anarchism, and the development of political ideals of communism, socialism, liberalism, and democracy.
Formerly 50:730:319. Satisfies requirement in ethical/political/social theory for philosophy major and minor.
Social Philosophy (3)
Critical examination of the philosophical problems involved in theories of the society and relationships between individuals. Topics include ways gender and/or racial consideration enter into the social standing of the individual, political and economic consequences of one's social class, and the use of liberalism, critical social theory, and post-modernism to challenge existing social institutions.
Satisfies requirement in ethical/political/social theory for philosophy major and minor.
Religion and Democracy (W) (3)
Critical examination of contemporary theories of liberalism and democracy as they relate to the inclusion of religious citizens in political contexts. Topics include the defense of religious freedom and tolerance, the use of religious reasons to justify laws regulating abortion and marriage, and the ideals of mutual respect and understanding in pluralistic political societies.
Formerly 50:730:322.
Enrollment not open to students who have taken 50:840:322. Satisfies requirement in ethical/political/social theory for philosophy major and minor.
Learning Abroad Program (0)
Cross-listing for designating a course a learning abroad course.
Advanced Special Topics in Philosophy (3)
Course content varies according to special topic.
Prerequisite: One course in philosophy or permission of instructor.
Independent Study in Philosophy (BA)
An individual reading and research project under the guidance of a member of the philosophy department in an area of interest to the department.
Prerequisite: Permission of department.