Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies (3)
Introduction to the study of women as a diverse social group with a history, culture, and experience of their own, and to the study of gender as a category of social, cultural, and economic organization. An interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approach to incorporating race, class, and ethnicity as well as gender analysis. Emphasis on contemporary issues pertaining to women, including feminism and antifeminism, work, sexuality, family relations, reproduction, and politics.
Global Gender Issues (3)
course is intended for lower-division students as an introduction to
contemporary gender issues both nationally and globally. Students will examine
gender issues such as masculinity, feminism, transgender identity, LGBTQ issues
in current culture and related to topics such as health, education, trade,
work, sexual identity, politics, and the environment.
Gender, Health, and the Environment (3)
multidisciplinary course gives students an introductory look into the key
debates and theoretical approaches in understanding environmental concerns from
a gender and justice perspective. We will survey key
environmental topics such as water justice, natural disasters, climate change,
toxic chemical exposure, superfund sites, and energy development from a feminist
and/or queer theory perspective with the goal of assessing who is most at risk.
Specifically, we will discuss how gender, class, race, and power mediate human
and environmental interactions and what this means for human health and
well-being. Particular attention will be paid to how environmental destruction
and contamination impacts the lives of women and how and why women have been at
the forefront of the environmental justice movement. Course materials will
include academic and activist texts, film, and photography.
Creative Women in Western Culture (3)
Students will examine the work of creative women (writers, composers, playwrights, artists) in Western culture from Ancient Greece to the present, and determine the material conditions that made it possible (or not) for women to be creative. In addition, they will analyze the works themselves in terms of genre, design, and subject matter, and interrogate the relationship between gender and art. Students who are successful in Creative Women in Western Culture will have an increased ability to interpret literary and artistic works as part of a culture, be able to justify those interpretations in writing and oral analysis, and be able to look at works or historical events from different perspectives. Students will also have an increased knowledge of a certain aspect of culture, namely the ways in which gender impacts opportunity and artistic production.
Sex Discrimination and Title IX (3)
This course examines sexual discrimination and sexual misconduct relevant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX protects people from sex discrimination and sexual misconduct based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. Using academic and policy literature, victimization and other statistics, government regulations, and case examples, this course explores sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct, including assault, sexual exploitation, and intimate partner violence in various settings with a focus on the college campus.
Gender and Technology (3)
This course explores gender's influence on our definitions of and interactions with technology. Students will analyze not only how technology itself is gendered, but the ways in which gender influences technology's design and consumption. Students will examine how racial and gendered biases influence the design of technology and the resulting consequences. Students will consider how social justice principles can be integrated into technology design and development. This includes examining the evolution of gender in the technology workforce.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual+ Studies (3)
introductory course will use historical and literary texts and film to explore lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer (LGBTQ) history and experience from the
1950s to the present. Topics will include life during the cold war, gay
liberation and LGBTQ activism, transgender liberation, contemporary family life,
and current issues.
Special Topics in Gender Studies (3,3,3)
A lower-division course on a specially selected topic.
Gender and Popular Culture (3)
Designed to teach students how to think
critically about popular culture and to achieve a certain level of cultural
literacy by examining both critical essays and primary texts of popular or mass
culture productions such as advertising, television, music videos, popular
music, and film.
Queer Crime (3)
course focuses on queer crime and punishment in America. It examines nonfictional accounts of queer--lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender--criminality as well as policing and punishment of these queer identities. With
a focus on gender identity and sexuality, it examines myth, misunderstanding,
and prejudices of queer identities, the criminalization of queer behavior, and
marginalization of queer offenders by the criminal justice system. Materials
include actual case studies, law, scholarly literature, and documentary film.
Gender and Sexuality in Crime Thrillers (3)
Examines gender and sexuality within the context of Hollywood cinematic crime
thrillers known as film noir and neo-noir. By focusing on male and female
characters in various films, we will explore how gender roles, gender
expectations, and gender stereotypes are played out on screen. We will examine
how femininity and masculinity is constructed and represented and how these
films produce meanings about the societal expectations and positions of men and
women. We will also examine how sexuality is portrayed in male and female
characters and how sexual diversity, namely homosexuality, is stereotyped.
Transgender Studies (3)
The field of
transgender studies has emerged as a response to both increased public
awareness of gender variant individuals and an evolving discourse around gender
identity. Transgender studies pulls from diverse disciplines to create an
interdisciplinary field that explores how sex and gender intersect with
identity and culture. This course will provide an introduction to transgender
studies. It will examine historical and contemporary complexities of identity,
embodiment, language, and activism, with a focus on answering: who transgender
people are; what transgender studies is; how transgender studies differs from
other forms of scholarship; and, how various disciplines have added to our
understanding of transgender individuals and the intersections of sex and
gender. We will explore the historical, medical, political, sociological,
criminological, visual, and legal issues surrounding transgender and gender
variant existence.
Masculinities (3)
This course
is an introduction to the interdisciplinary study of masculinities. Moving past
the conception of gender as a fixed biological category, the course addresses
the emergence and representations of multiple masculinities in American culture
along intersections with race, class, sexuality, and other areas of difference.
It examines the ways diverse formations of masculinities function at the
individual and collective level in various domains, such as in sports, family,
relationships, subcultures, work, and other social and physical sites. It addresses
issues including the body, female and queer masculinities, maleness, boyhood,
and violence. The course is interdisciplinary and will offer various contexts
for exploring masculinities, such as academic and popular literature, film, and
Salem Witch Trials (3)
One of the most puzzling instances of mass hysteria in history, the Salem witch trials of 1692 and 1693 were a short-lived but furious witch hunt where more than 150 people were accused of witchcraft and 19 people hanged. While many explanations have been offered, no single theory makes complete sense of why this began and why it continued for as long as it did. This class takes a look at these explanations with a special focus on gender and criminal justice. It considers the social, political, and religious context of Salem and constructs a timeline of the witch hunts. It profiles key players among the afflicted and the accused as well as those involved in the court and government, taking a look at their relationships and social identities. Actual court records and transcripts are used to consider the accusations, examinations, standards of evidence, confessions, and courtroom process. Materials include scholarly literature, court records and transcripts, diaries, and film.
Gender and Work (3)
This course explores the topic of
women as paid and unpaid workers in the United States and globally. It
considers the gender division of labor, history of women's work, and the effect
of the global economy on work for women. It also considers intersections of
gender, race, class, ethnicity, and sexuality on women and work.
Research in Gender Studies (3)
Examine and discuss gender and sexuality as categories that intersect with other relations
of power and difference, such as race and class. Locate, evaluate, and analyze
information in more than one discipline using gender and sexuality as
analytical categories and use findings to advocate orally, digitally, and in
writing. Work independently and collectively in creative works, research, or
problem solving in the interdisciplinary field of women, gender, and sexuality.
Prerequisite: Any 15 credits in approved gender studies minor program or permission of instructor(s).
Study Abroad - Community Service in South Africa (3,3)
Experiential and service learning/study trip to various
cities outside of the United States. Students will participate in community
service and engage in applied research topics relevant to gender and sexuality.
Special Topics in Gender Studies (3,3,3)
An upper-division course on a specially selected topic.
Independent Study in Gender Studies (3,3)
Advanced students work individually with an instructor on a self-determined course of study.
Prerequisite: 50:988:201.