Student Organizations
Students are encouraged to join the various student organizations on campus in order to stimulate interests outside of the profession and to contribute to their personal growth. They are also encouraged to volunteer for committee service within college administration.
Student Nurses Association (SNA) serves as a vehicle for communication among students, the Rutgers School of Nursing-Camden, and the New Jersey State Student Nurses Association. Its activities are professional and social in nature. It is open to all Rutgers School of Nursing-Camden students and registration is held in April and September. The SNA represents the entire nursing student body, and there is opportunity to participate in leadership positions and activities. The SNA constitution and bylaws are contained in the Student Handbook. A yearly nominal registration fee is required. Meetings are scheduled at least monthly. A faculty adviser(s) will be appointed by the associate dean for administrative affairs.
Student Representation on Department Committees According to the faculty bylaws, there is to be student representation on the faculty organization, courses of study, and educational resources and faculty development committees. Each student representative determined by the SNA shall participate in the committee discussions but shall have no vote. Representatives are expected to bring to the committees the opinions and stated needs of the students they represent and to report back to the SNA regarding the proceedings of the faculty committees.