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Nursing Course List
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  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2013–2015 School of Nursing–Camden Courses Nursing Course List  

Nursing Course List
57:705:101 Seminar on Professional Nursing (2) This introductory nonclinical course in nursing is designed to provide the student with a foundation in nursing knowledge that will provide the basis for ensuing theory and clinical nursing courses. Major foci will be the discipline and profession of nursing, its history, its conceptual and theoretical structures, and the patterns of knowledge needed for developing the science and practice of nursing. It requires the integration of previously acquired knowledge in the sciences, arts, and humanities and introduces basic concepts in epidemiology, demographics, and cultural competencies, as well as the knowledge necessary for a beginning understanding of the research process, and for development of interpersonal and interdisciplinary communication skills. The ethics and values of the profession as well as the scope of practice and other legal and regulatory aspects will be introduced. Current issues in nursing and the many roles of the baccalaureate-prepared professional nurse will be examined and discussed as the student is socialized to become a self-reflective, accountable, lifelong learner given to self-appraisal as she or he navigates the route to achieving the terminal objectives of the curriculum. Students must be accepted into the nursing program to register for this course. To be taken in the spring semester of the freshmen year.
57:705:102 Seminar on Professional Nursing (3) This introductory nonclinical course in nursing is designed to provide the student with a foundation in nursing knowledge that will provide the basis for ensuing theory and clinical nursing courses. Major foci will be the discipline and profession of nursing, its history, its conceptual and theoretical structures, and the patterns of knowledge needed for developing the science and practice of nursing. It requires the integration of previously acquired knowledge in the sciences, arts, and humanities, and introduces basic concepts in epidemiology, demographics, and cultural competencies, as well as the knowledge necessary for a beginning understanding of the research process, and for development of interpersonal and interdisciplinary communication skills. The ethics and values of the profession as well as the scope of practice and other legal and regulatory aspects will be introduced. Current issues in nursing and the many roles of the baccalaureate-prepared professional nurse will be examined and discussed as the student is socialized to become a self-reflective, accountable, lifelong learner given to self-appraisal as she or he navigates the route to achieving the terminal objectives of the curriculum. For Honors students only. Students must be accepted into the nursing program to register for this course. To be taken in the spring semester of the freshmen year.
57:705:202 Wellness and Health Assessment (3) Prepares students for the integration of the knowledge and skills needed for the theory and clinical courses in the nursing curriculum and the provision of safe and effective nursing care. It provides a foundation for the critical thinking skills required to master core scientific principles and incorporate technical skills into nursing practice. Emphasis will be placed on the concept of wellness and the continuum of wellness to illness that nurses can expect to confront in practice. Students will develop the skills of history taking, inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation, and documentation of the health assessment. Normal findings and cultural and age variations of adults as well as pediatric content will be included. The translation of current evidence from nursing research will be incorporated into the skill development, thus preparing students for the lifelong learning required in nursing practice. Students will be placed in a clinical setting for assessment skill development. To be taken in the fall semester of the sophomore year. Prerequisites: 57:705:101 or 102, 50:120:253.
57:705:203 Wellness and Health Assessment (3) Using a holistic approach to integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines, students will build from focused to comprehensive health assessment as a basis for wellness promotion across the life span. This course provides a foundation for the critical thinking skills required to master core scientific principles and incorporate technical skills into nursing practice.  Emphasis will be placed on the concept of wellness and the continuum of wellness to illness that nurses can expect to confront in practice. Students will develop the skills of history taking, inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation, and documentation of the health assessment. This course is for registered nurses.
57:705:210 Basic Clinical Nursing Competencies - Theory (2) This course is designed to introduce the baccalaureate nursing student to basic skills required in the care of patients.  Students begin their clinical experiences in the Clinical Skills Laboratory with a theory component to clarify the rationale for each skill.  Fundamental skills to be utilized are presented.  These will serve as the foundation and preparation for care of clients in subsequent nursing courses.  The student will be introduced to nursing care plans and care maps based on the nursing process and nursing care standards.  Students are expected to complete a variety of assignments designed to help them develop critical thinking skills, which are basic to performance in the clinical laboratory. To be taken in the fall semester of the sophomore year. Prerequisite: 57:705:202.
57:705:211 Basic Clinical Nursing Competencies - Laboratory (2) This course is designed to introduce the baccalaureate nursing student to basic skills required in the care of patients.  Students begin their clinical experiences in the Clinical Skills Laboratory with a theory component to clarify the rational for each skill.  Fundamental skills to be utilized are presented.  These will serve as the foundation and preparation for care of clients in subsequent nursing courses.  The student will be introduced to nursing care plans and care maps based on the nursing process and nursing care standards.  Students are expected to complete a variety of assignments designed to help them develop critical thinking skills, which are basic to performance in the clinical laboratory. To be taken in the fall semester of the sophomore year. Prerequisite: 57:705:202.
57:705:301 Nursing of Women and the Childbearing Family - Theory (3) This clinical theory course focuses on the care of women with common gynecological problems throughout the lifespan as well as family centered care from preconception through childbearing and the postpartum. Emphasis will be placed on wellness and health promotion of women associated with the normal processes of aging and childbearing. In addition, complications of the puerperum period will be identified and interventions described.  Current national and global issues in caring for women and infants will be explored. The integration of genetics and evidence into practice as well as caring for diverse populations will be presented.
To be taken in the fall semester of the junior year. Prerequisites: All freshman and sophomore required courses. Corequisite: 57:705:302.
57:705:302 Nursing of Women and the Childbearing Family - Laboratory (3) This clinical course focuses on supervised evidence-based and holistic nursing practice with women and childbearing families in a variety of clinical settings. Emphasis will be placed on wellness and health promotion of women associated with the normal processes of childbearing. In addition, complications of the puerperum period will be identified and interventions described. The integration of evidence into practice as well as caring for diverse populations will be examined. Integration of didactic content with clinical practice will be stressed through sharing of information during case presentations and pre/post conferences. To be taken in the fall semester of the junior year. Prerequisites: All freshman and sophomore required courses. Corequisite: 57:705:301.
50:705:303 Nursing of Adults - Theory (3) Focuses on the health promotion, disease prevention, and the restoration of optimal health in young and middle-aged adults from diverse populations who have basic health alterations.  Basic health alterations include common acute illnesses, chronic diseases, and disabilities that are viewed as a shift towards illness on the wellness-illness continuum.  Family-centered end-of-life nursing care is discussed. The complex relationship between the patient's altered health status, genetics, and the environment is explored. Knowledge from the physical, social, behavioral sciences, and humanities are integrated with nursing theory.  In addition, previously learned concepts and principles of physiology and pathophysiology are correlated with the patient's basic alteration in health status and the implementation of the nursing process. The patient is viewed holistically with the nurse providing systematic, culturally competent, evidence-based, patient-centered care. Current national and international issues in caring for young and middle-aged adults with basic health alterations will be explored. Concepts of pharmacotherapeutics, therapeutic nutrition, rehabilitation, and complementary and alternative treatment modalities are explored as they relate to patients' basic alterations in health status. A spirit of inquiry and critical thinking is encouraged through interactive classroom discussions and supplemental web-enhanced resources that provide the learner with unlimited opportunities to expand his or her knowledge base. To be taken in the spring semester of the sophomore year. Prerequisites: 57:705:301, 302, 411, and 50:120:347. Corequisites: 57:705:303, 305, 306, 489.
50:705:304 Nursing of Adults - Laboratory (3) This clinical course provides the student an opportunity to expand the nursing theory learned in 57:705:303 to practice within a variety of patient care environments and with diverse patient groups. The student is able to observe the complex relationship between human and environment while principles of pathophysiology are correlated with clinical manifestations. Using the nursing process; nursing care standards; and the four nursing constructs of conservation, prevention, restoration, and amelioration, the student designs and implements comprehensive nursing care plans for patients under stress. The patient is the individual and/or family throughout the life span and at carious points on the wellness-illness continuum. Emphasis is placed on restoration as an adaptive process.  Principles of pharmacotherapeutics, nutrition therapy, and rehabilitation are applied, with guidance, to the care of a select patient population.  The student, in collaboration with faculty and other health care professionals, applies previously learned and newly acquired strategies for structuring environments that contribute to patient well-being throughout the life span.  During planned and guided clinical conferences, students will explore selected topics that aid in the expanded use of the nursing process, professional nursing role modeling, nursing research, and therapeutic modalities.  A spirit of inquiry and critical thinking is stimulated as students encounter new learning experiences.  A variety of clinical specialty areas are selected to facilitate the student's application of theory to practice in caring for children and adults who are experiencing alterations in health status.  A variety of clinical agencies are used for placements, including community hospitals and metropolitan medical centers. To be taken in the spring semester of the sophomore year. Prerequisites: 57:705:301; 302; 411; and 50:120:347. Corequisites: 57:705:303, 305, 306, 489.
57:705:305 Nursing of Children and Adolescents - Theory (3) Focuses on nursing care of infants, children, and adolescents. Emphasis is placed on family-centered and evidence-based approaches to health promotion and disease prevention, as well as on family-centered, evidence-based, developmentally appropriate nursing care of infants, children, and adolescents with common acute and chronic health conditions.
To be taken in the spring semester of the junior year. Prerequisites: 57:705:301, 302, 411, and 50:120:347. Corequisite: 57:705:306.
57:705:306 Nursing of Children and Adolescents - Laboratory (3) This course is the venue for supervised, evidence-based holistic nursing practice with infants, children, adolescents, and their families in a variety of pediatric inpatient and outpatient settings.
To be taken in the spring semester of the junior year. Prerequisites: 57:705:301, 302, 411, and 50:120:347. Corequisite: 57:705:305.
57:705:358 Conceptual Foundations of Professional Practice (3) This course is required for students in the R.N. to B.S. track. It is designed to validate prior learning and develop an understanding of professionalism in nursing. Course content includes exploring career development analyzing the theoretical basis of nursing practice and the role of the baccalaureate-prepared professional nurse. The course is planned for the adult learner and builds on the registered nurse's professional experiences, while focusing on the socialization and transition into the role of the baccalaureate-prepared professional nurse.
This course is for registered nurses.
57:705:401 Gerontological Nursing - Theory (3) This course focuses on nursing of the geriatric client. Using Healthy People 2010 as a framework for healthy aging, emphasis is on health promotion and disease prevention, as well as acute and chronic illness common to this population. As this population represents the majority of hospitalized patients, the geriatric client has multiple complex medical problems, takes multiple medications, and is vulnerable to iatrogenic events. Physiologic changes associated with aging will be presented, along with evidence-based approaches to optimize health and wellness. Genetic, sociocultural, and spiritual influences will be explored, as will global perspectives of successful aging.
To be taken in the fall semester of the senior year. Prerequisites: 57:705:303, 304, 305, 306. Corequisite: 57:705:402.
57:705:402 Gerontological Nursing - Laboratory (3) The focus of this clinical laboratory course is application of content from Gerontological Nursing. It focuses on supervised, evidence-based, and holistic nursing practice with the geriatric client.
To be taken in the fall semester of the senior year. Prerequisites: 57:705:303, 304, 305, 306. Corequisite: 57:705:401.
57:705:403 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing - Theory (3) This senior-level nursing course provides the student with a foundation in psychiatric mental health nursing theory.  It integrates previously acquired knowledge in nursing, pharmacology, psychology, anthropology, and other social and physical sciences into the understanding of human behavior and mental health and illness.  Students acquire advanced therapeutic communication and specialized assessment skills for use in a variety of settings and populations.  Biological, cultural, legal, and ethical aspects of the mental health care of children and adults across the life span are included in learning about common mental health disorders and their etiology and treatment. The major focus of the course is the application of all elements of the nursing process in assessing, promoting, maintaining, and improving human mental health and behavior.  Various psychological and biological theories of the basis of human behavior are discussed, as well as the purported role of neurotransmitters in the development and treatment of mental disorders.  The nurse's role in a variety of mental health treatment modalities for individuals, families, and groups in all levels of mental health care is discussed.  Evidence-based nursing practice and education are stressed. Students are required to utilize critical thinking skills in all course activities, assignments, and evaluations.
To be taken in the fall semester of the senior year. Prerequisites: 57:705:303, 304, 305, 306. Corequisite: 57:705:404.
57:705:404 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing - Laboratory (3) This senior-level nursing course is taken concurrently with Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing - Theory. It provides the student with a foundation in psychiatric mental health nursing practice. Students are given the opportunity to apply knowledge from previous nursing, science, and humanities courses, as well as the theory component of this course, in the mental health care of patients across the life span in psychiatric behavioral health care settings. Students practice advanced therapeutic communication and specialized assessment skills. Biological, cultural, legal, and ethical considerations and patient preferences are included in formulating individualized care plans based on assessments.  The major focus is the application of all elements of the nursing process in assessing, promoting, maintaining, and improving human mental health and behavior.  Students interact with patients and observe the role of the professional nurse in the interdisciplinary care of children, adolescents, adults, and geriatric patients in inpatient, outpatient, and substance abuse treatment settings. The nurse's role in a variety of mental health treatment modalities for individuals, families, and groups in various levels of mental health care is explored. Students become familiar with pharmacological agents used in the treatment of mental and substance use disorders. Patient and staff safety strategies are practiced. Students are encouraged to use self-reflection to identify and deal with bias, anxiety, safety, and counter-transference issues encountered in patient interactions. The application of evidence-based practice, theory, cultural, legal, and ethical issues pertaining to psychiatric mental health and human behavior are discussed in clinical pre- and postconferences.
To be taken in the fall semester of the senior year.   Prerequisites: 57:705:303, 304, 305, 306. Corequisite: 57:705:403.
57:705:405 Community Health Nursing and Global Health - Theory (3) This course is intended to introduce baccalaureate nursing students to the concept of the community as a client system and to the roles and responsibilities of nurses in the promotion and maintenance of population health in both the local and global community.  Incorporates nursing, public health, and epidemiological theory and science in the study of community and global health. Emphasis is on health promotion, health maintenance, disease prevention, and cultural competence in the care of individuals, families, groups, and communities in their homes and in community settings. Strategies of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention and the concept of community assessment will be utilized in the development of an educational intervention.

Global health goals and threats will be presented, as will be the impact of political, economic, social, environmental, and cultural concerns on the health of the local community. The needs of vulnerable populations will be addressed and the nursing implications in environmental health, migrant and rural health, emergency planning, bioterrorism, and disaster response will be explained. Cultural competence as a goal in the care of diverse and vulnerable populations will be emphasized. The role of the professional nurse in various community settings, such as the school, workplace, hospice, senior and community health centers, and homeless shelters will be examined.
To be taken in the spring semester of the senior year.  Prerequisites: 57:705:401, 402, 403, 404; or 57:705:358 for registered nurses. Corequisite: 57:705:406.
57:705:406 Community Health Nursing and Global Health - Laboratory (3) The focus of this clinical laboratory course is application of content from Community Health Nursing and Global Health - Theory. Emphasis is placed on the leadership skills and public health provider roles of the professional nurse in various community-based settings. Students are given the opportunity to plan care to achieve appropriate levels of prevention for the individual, family, group, community, or population.  The nursing process and nursing care standards are utilized as students are challenged to think critically and apply evidence from research in planning care of their clients. Students are expected to be self-directed learners, gain confidence in clinical practice, and transition from the role of student to that of beginning professional nurse.
To be taken in the spring semester of the senior year. Prerequisites: 57:705:401, 402, 403, 404; or 57:705:358 for registered nurses. Corequisite: 57:705:405.
57:705:407 Nursing Management and Leadership - Theory (3) Overall principles and theories of leadership and management will be presented.  Distinguishing between leadership and management in clinical environments in local health care facilities and in the larger U.S. health care system will be emphasized.  Responsibilities of leaders and managers at all levels of health care organizations will be discussed.  Students will explore legal and ethical issues as well as issues related to such situations as delegation and prioritization of care, patient advocacy and accountability, and mentorship and empowerment of staff.  Health policy will be addressed, and the impact of financial and regulatory factors on the provision of care will be explored. The role of the nurse in critical thinking and decision making, managing teams, time management, and communicating effectively with other health care providers will be stressed.  In addition, quality improvement and patient safety indicators will be examined and students will utilize the quality improvement process to assess, evaluate, and plan for safe, patient-centered care.  Students will prepare for the NCLEX exam with the use of ATI Testing and test-taking strategies.
To be taken in the spring semester of the senior year. Prerequisites: 57:705:401, 402, 403, 404. Corequisite: 57:705:408.
57:705:408 Nursing Management and Leadership - Laboratory (3) This course will provide baccalaureate nursing students with the opportunity to observe and interact with nurse leaders and managers in a variety of clinical settings and complex organizations. The role of the nurse leader/manager will be analyzed with a focus on interdisciplinary communication and team interactions. Students will participate in quality improvement activities whereby patient safety will be emphasized. The impact of fiscal, legal, and regulatory processes on the provision of patient care will be explored. Cultural competency will be emphasized from the perspective of the diverse workforce and the diverse client base. Appropriate delegation and communication skills will be practiced and evaluated in the clinical setting as students prepare for the transition to an independent nursing practice. Students will also gain a perspective of how to manage and care for multiple clients in health care settings based on a preceptor model.
To be taken in the spring semester of the senior year. Prerequisites: 57:705:401, 402, 403, 404. Corequisite: 57:705:407.
57:705:411 Research in Nursing (3) This course is designed to promote in students a knowledgeable and enthusiastic interest in nursing research and to provide a foundation for their use of research findings as a basis for practice. Assists the student in understanding the theory and process of research, including the exploration of research designs and methods, data analysis, and the utilization of research findings.  Focuses on the student as a consumer of research.
To be taken in the fall semester of the junior year. Prerequisite: 50:960:183 or 50:830:250.
57:705:412 Community Health Nursing and Global Health - Theory (3) This course is an introduction to the concept of the community as a patient system, and to the roles and responsibilities of nurses in the promotion and maintenance of population health in both the local and global community. Incorporates nursing, public health, and epidemiological theory and science in the study of community and global health, with an emphasis of cultural competence. This course is for registered nurses. Corequisite: 57:705:413.
57:705:413 Community Health Nursing and Global Health - Laboratory (3) This course is a supervised clinical experience of evidence-based, holistic nursing practice in the provision of patient-centered, evidence-based care in varied community settings. This course is for registered nurses. Corequisite: 57:705:412.
57:705:414 Nursing Management and Leadership - Theory (3) This course provides an overview of the principles and theories of leadership and management. Students will explore legal and ethical issues as well as issues related to delegation and prioritization of care, patient advocacy and accountability, and mentorship and empowerment of staff. Health policy, the impact of financial and regulatory factors on the provision of care, and quality improvement and patient safety will be addressed. This course is for registered nurses. Corequisite: 57:705:415.
57:705:489 Pharmacology (3) This course presents the role of nurses in promoting responsible use of chemicals to enhance health while minimizing detrimental effects. Course content covers basic concepts of pharmacology, major drug groups, and their use in practice. Nursing implications stressed. To be taken in the spring semester of the junior year. Corequisites: 57:705:303, 304, 305, 306.
57:705:495 Principles of School Nursing and School Health Services (3) This introductory course focuses on the role of the school nurse within the school system and as a planner, practitioner, and evaluator of school health services in the community. The student will study laws and regulations as they apply to the administration of the school health program; assessment of children relative to their physical, psychological and environmental well-being, including cultural factors related to health and wellness; referral networking, and substance awareness education. In addition to classroom-based coursework, students complete two school nursing practicum courses. During these 150 hours of practicum, students work directly with certified school nurses to develop the skills and knowledge that they will need to promote, maintain, and restore the health of children in their schools. For students registered under the School Nurse Certification Program only.
57:705:496 Methods and Issues in Health Education (3) This course will help prepare the nurse educator within a school health program utilizing a theoretical basis and practical application of methods and materials for teaching health education to children in grades K-12. Emphasis will be on health promotion, injury prevention, and substance-awareness strategies. Learning assessments of students relative to their readiness, development levels, and cultural needs will be explored. For students registered under the School Nurse Certification Program only.
57:705:497 Contemporary Issues in School Nursing (4) Students collaborate with certified school nurses, health educators, and clinical faculty to further develop expertise, competencies, and skills necessary for certification as a school nurse. Focus on addressing the developmental levels, special learning needs, and cultural differences of all students. For students registered under the School Nurse Certification Program only.
57:705:498 Contemporary Issues in School Nursing Practicum (6) This practicum course provides opportunities for the student to work in the public school program and school setting with certified school nurses, health educators, and clinical faculty to further develop knowledge, competencies, and skills needed for certification as a school nurse. Students will participate in formal health teaching using current curriculum methods and practices. For students registered under the School Nurse Certification Program only.
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