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Grading for Nursing (705) Courses
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  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2013–2015 School of Nursing–Camden Programs, Faculty, and General Information Academic Policies and Procedures Academic Performance  

Academic Performance

is expected at all classes and clinical and laboratory courses. See also: Clinical lateness and absence policy.

The 705 nursing courses must be taken in the sequential order listed. To enroll in the next semester nursing courses, a grade of C+ or better must be earned (this includes nutrition and pharmacology).

Progression in the Nursing Program
The 705 nursing courses should be taken in the sequential order listed. To enroll in the next semester nursing course, a grade of a C+ or better must be earned in each nursing course, including Nutrition and Pharmacology.

Failure of a nursing course will also result in failure of the corequisite nursing laboratory course. Likewise, failure of a nursing laboratory course will result in failure of the corequisite nursing theory course. A grade of "F" will appear on the transcript for both courses. Students who fail the nursing laboratory course for documented unsafe practice are subject to administrative/faculty review for dismissal from the nursing program.

Students may not fail and repeat more than one combined nursing course sequence (theory and clinical). Failure to earn a grade of a C+ or better in a repeated nursing course will result in the student's dismissal from the nursing program.

Nonnursing Courses
If a student fails to earn a passing grade (i.e., C) in a required nonnursing course, the student may repeat the course one time. If the student does not pass the repeated course with a grade of C or better, she or he will be subject to administrative/faculty review for dismissal from the School of Nursing. To register for third-year clinical courses, students must be in good academic standing.

Good Academic Standing:
Students who have a C+ or better in nursing courses and a C in required nonnursing courses are in good academic standing.

Poor Academic Standing: Students who fail to earn a C+ or better in nursing courses and a C or better in required nonnursing courses are in poor academic standing. To graduate from the program, students must be in good academic standing. To register for third-year clinical courses, students must be in good academic standing. Students in poor academic standing are required to meet with the associate dean for academic affairs to develop an action plan for improving academic standing. Students in poor academic standing are sent a letter to their home address, on file with the university, notifying them of their academic status for the upcoming semester.

Student Conduct
In the event of academic, clinical, or interpersonal misconduct, a remediation plan will be developed by the faculty, course director, and associate dean for academic affairs.  Failure to comply with the terms of the remediation plan may result in course failure, dismissal from the nursing program, and/or a formal complaint for violation of the University's Code of Student Conduct.

Student Grievance
All academic concerns and complaints are taken seriously and nursing faculty members are highly responsive and supportive of all parties involved. The classroom, clinical, or laboratory instructor has the responsibility for assignment of grades. Students have the right to know the components of their final grade, to be graded fairly, and to understand why they were given a particular grade.

Students experiencing any academic concern or complaint during the nursing program should follow the chain of command outlined below:

1. Seek a resolution with the course instructor(s) immediately.  If dissatisfied:
2. Discuss the matter with the course director.  If dissatisfied:
3. Discuss the unresolved matter with their faculty adviser who will assist the student with the progression of the grievance to the associate dean of academic affairs. If the student feels that the concern or complaint cannot be resolved satisfactorily, then the student may:
4. Schedule an appointment to discuss the matter with the dean who will be responsible for the final resolution within the School of Nursing.

Policy for Readmission to Major
Students who have interrupted the nursing clinical course sequence and/or withdrawn from the nursing major for any reason (e.g., personal reason, academic failure, etc.), and wish to be reinstated to the major must submit a written request to the associate dean, baccalaureate programs of the School of Nursing–Camden. In this request, students should address why they should be readmitted to the major and outline how they plan to successfully complete the program. The deadlines for the written requests for readmission are May 1 for readmission in the following fall semester, and October 1 for readmission in the following spring semester. Students must also meet all requirements and complete the appropriate forms as required by Rutgers University. A decision to readmit a student to the nursing clinical sequence will always be contingent upon an available place in the program.
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