Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Camden Undergraduate
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Undergraduate Education in Camden
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School of Business–Camden
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Accounting 010
Business Administration 135
Business Law 140
Finance 390
Honors College 525
Human Resource Management 533
Management 620
Ecommerce and Information Technology 623
Marketing 630
Bachelor's Degree in Hospitality Management
School of Nursing–Camden
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Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2011–2013 School of Business–Camden Courses Marketing 630  

Marketing 630
52:630:201 Principles of Marketing (3) An introduction to the activities involving the exchange of goods, services, and ideas for the satisfaction of human wants. Marketing examined as it relates to the other functions of the organization, to consumers, and to society. Prerequisites: 50:220:102 (formerly 50:220:105), and 50:960:183 or 283.
52:630:315 The Business of Sports (3) Covers both professional and college sports as a business. We will analyze and discuss issues that make the business of sports different from other industries as well as the similarities. Issues will include league structure, team operations, revenue sources, media influence, stadium operations, stadium development, finances and costs, labor relations, college business issues, college issues, social issues, and valuation and profit. Prerequisite: 52:630:201.
52:630:353 Advertising and Promotion Management (3) Reviews theoretical basis of persuasion. Within the context of integrated marketing communications, emphasis on issues associated with planning and executing effective integrated advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling programs. Addresses marketing communication tools including online communication, ecommerce communication opportunities, and traditional marketing communications media. Prerequisite: 52:630:201.
52:630:355 Personal Selling (3) Detailed coverage of principles and techniques of personal selling and sales management.  Emphasis is on selling as a form of two-way communication to first understand the customer's needs and then make clear to the customer how the salesperson's proposed solution would best satisfy those needs.  Prerequisite: 52:630:201.
52:630:360 Direct Marketing (3) This course introduces the student to the use and implementation of direct marketing techniques in support of a business plan. Students will learn how to select among the various media used in direct marketing and will become familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of each. They will also plan and implement analytical tests of various direct marketing approaches. Finally, they will integrate a direct marketing approach into an overall marketing/business plan from the perspective of a business management team. Prerequisite: 52:630:201.
52:630:365 Pricing Strategies (3) Costs, competition, and the customer's needs in price-setting considerations. Integration of these and other factors for developing profit-maximizing pricing strategies. Particular attention given to the determinants, measurements, and prediction of customer price sensitivity. Prerequisite: 52:630:201.
52:630:368 Retailing and Ecommerce (3) A comprehensive view of retailing and an application of marketing concepts in a practical retail managerial environment. Analysis of current multichannel retail strategies among bricks-and-mortar and web-based firms. Topics include the development of a retail format and its strategy; the analysis of a target market; demographic analysis using census data; site selection; retail personnel issues; and retail and category management. Buying, financial analysis, and pricing will also be investigated. Cases will examine current-day changes among prominent retailers, and website content will be analyzed from the perspective of the retailer-customer interface. Prerequisites: 52:010:101 and 52:630:201.
52:630:370 Business-to-Business Marketing (3) Topics include role of just-in-time systems, international aspects, sales strategies, and the management of technology. Prerequisite: 52:630:201.
52:630:371 International Marketing (3) The identification of similarities and differences in marketing systems across nations. Emphasis on cultural, legal, political, and ethical issues affecting marketing strategies. A critical analysis of adaptation and standardization decisions regarding the marketing mix, especially as they are affected by level of economic development. Prerequisite: 52:630:201.
52:630:374 Consumer Analysis (3) Study of the consumer decision-making process and the impact of relevant psychological, sociological, and cultural variables. Attention to recent research regarding psychological and contextual determinants of buying and consumer behaviors. Implications for positioning and communication strategy as well as public policy and consumer protection. Prerequisite: 52:630:201.
52:630:385 Marketing Research (3) Study of how organizations collect and use information about consumers, competitors, and the environment. Topics include information system needs for marketing decision making; exploratory, descriptive, and experimental research designs; data collection methods; and analysis techniques for describing research results. Special emphasis given to the effects of new technology on understanding consumer behavior. A major research project is required. Prerequisite: 52:630:201.
52:630:387 Database Marketing (3) Emphasizes analytical approaches to customer relationship management including customer acquisition, customer development, and customer retention. Review of statistical concepts with extensive use of the software package SPSS. Students acquire the skills necessary to construct various types of predictive models using customer databases. Includes a comparison of traditional RFM (recency/frequency/monetary) versus other more advanced approaches, such as decision trees and logistic regression, in maximizing the profitability of marketing campaigns. Prerequisites: 50:960:284 and 52:630:201.
52:630:403 Strategic Marketing Planning (3) A top management perspective on the overall marketing task, including planning, organizing, controlling, and integrating all the activities of the marketing department. Integration of marketing with other operations of the business unit. Major strategic problems and current trends identified and analyzed. Prerequisites: 50:960:284 and 52:630:201.
52:630:420 International Study Marketing-South Africa (3) The School of Business–Camden offers a 3-credit course on doing business in South Africa. The course highlight is a 12-day study trip over spring break to South Africa, where students visit businesses and government/community enterprises to learn about management and marketing opportunities, challenges, and practices in this region.  Course meetings will be scheduled prior to the trip, accompanied by class meetings and student presentations following the trip. Prerequisites: 52:630:201 and special permission number from instructor required.
52:630:421 International Study Marketing-France (3) The School of Business–Camden offers a study program on doing business in France. The program highlight is a 10-day study trip to France, where we will visit businesses and government institutions to learn more about management and marketing practices in this region. Introduction to the concepts, framework, and issues of global business and how they influence management decisions: multinational firms, international trade, and the cultural, political, institutional, social, and economic environment of the global marketplace. Prerequisite: Special permission number from instructor required.
52:630:422 International Study Marketing-Brazil (3)

The School of Business–Camden offers a 3-credit course on doing business in Brazil.  The course highlight is a 12-day study trip to Brazil, where students visit businesses and government/community enterprises to learn about management and marketing opportunities, challenges, and practices in this region.  Course meetings will be scheduled prior to the trip, accompanied by student presentations following the trip.

Prerequisites: 52:630:201 and special permission number from instructor required.
52:630:423 International Study Marketing-Southeast Asia (3) The School of Business–Camden offers a 3-credit course on doing business in Southeast Asia. The course highlight is a 12-day study trip over spring break to Southeast Asia, where students visit businesses and government/community enterprises to learn about management and marketing opportunities, challenges, and practices in this region.  Course meetings will be scheduled prior to the trip, accompanied by student presentations following the trip. Prerequisites: 52:630:201 and special permission number from instructor required.
52:630:487 Independent Study in Marketing (BA) Individual study under the supervision of the marketing faculty, usually on a specified project or paper, to deepen and broaden the student's professional horizon and enrich the educational experience. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
52:630:491,492,494 Special Topics in Marketing (3,3,3) Designed to integrate course materials, introduce newer philosophies and techniques in marketing, and apply them to selected problems. Extensive readings and research reports required. Topics vary from semester to semester, including topics such as services marketing, internet marketing, and nonprofit marketing. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
52:630:495 Honors Thesis in Marketing (3,3) Individual research project. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
52:630:497 Marketing Internship (BA) Completion of an approved internship in a marketing organization. Arrangements for the internship must be agreed upon by the sponsoring organization before the beginning of the semester. Students should consult the director of advising for detailed instructions before registering for this course. Prerequisites: Cumulative grade-point average of 3.000; permission of internship director.
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