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Camden Undergraduate
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Scholarships Administered by Various University Offices
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  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2003-2005 General Information Financial Aid Sources of Financial Aid Scholarships Administered by Various University Offices  

Scholarships Administered by Various University Offices

The following scholarships are available to students registered in any of the university undergraduate colleges, unless otherwise noted.

Acme Scholarship Program.  For students interested in careers in food management. Preference given to the families of Acme employees.

Alumni Legacy Scholarship.  Established by the Alumni Federation in 1995 to provide merit scholarship awards to outstanding sons and daughters of alumni in their first year of undergraduate study at Rutgers. Nonrenewable.

Camden Provost Award . Outstanding high school students are selected for this prestigious award based on their high school rank and SAT scores. The award is for $2,500 per year and is renewable on the Camden campus. This award cannot be transferred to another campus.

James Dickson Carr Scholarship.  Awarded to outstanding minority students selected on the basis of academic promise, as demonstrated in high school work and SAT or ACT scores, and on the basis of participation in extracurricular activities in school and community.

Robert B. Clark-Roche.  Awarded to first-year students majoring in mathematics or a natural science. Merit and financial need are considered and preference is given to women and students of color.

Class of 1941 Scholarship.  Preference given to descendants of the Class of 1941. Contact the Alumni Association.

Class of 1970 Scholarship.  Preference given to descendants of the Class of 1970. Contact the Alumni Association.

Collegiate Merit Awards.  Several of the undergraduate colleges offer collegiate merit awards. While the primary emphasis is on academic qualifications, scholarship committees at the colleges may establish different criteria that reflect the particular philosophy or mission of the college. These awards in some cases involve participation in a college honors program. Interested students should write to the dean`s office of the school of matriculation for further information.

Elmer R. Deaver Foundation Scholarship.  Annual scholarship to provide financial assistance to full-time undergraduate students based on need, with preference to persons who were employees of Quaker City Life Insurance Company at any time during the lifetime of Mr. Deaver, and their spouses, parents, or children.

Theodore J. and F. Elizabeth Kirsch Southern California Scholarship Fund.  Awarded to students who reside and attend public high school in the California communities of San Jose, San Mateo, and Palm Desert. Both merit and financial need are considered.

Frances B. and Paige D. L`Hommedieu Scholarship Fund. Awarded to transfer students who complete the associate degree at a New Jersey county college. Must be residents of New Jersey. Application required; inquire at county college transfer office.

Casper Nannes Alumni Club of Washington, DC.  Awarded to first-year students who reside in Washington, DC; Virginia; or Maryland. Merit, financial need, and extracurricular activities are considered.

National Achievement Scholarship.  Awarded to first-year African-American students. Eligible students are selected by the National Merit Corporation and must select Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, as their first-choice college.

National Guard Tuition Assistance.  Open to a member of the New Jersey National Guard. Scholarship covers up to 12 credits of study per term, less other grants and scholarships.

National Merit Scholarship.  Awarded to first-year students. Eligible students are selected by the National Merit Corporation and must select Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, as their first-choice college.

Nonuniversity Scholarships.  Students should be aware that a number of companies, unions, civic groups, and other associations sponsor scholarships available to students at the university. Some of these awards-such as the New Jersey Golf Association Scholarships and the New Jersey Jaycee Scholarships-are administered through Rutgers, and the Office of Financial Aid can provide further information. Direct application to the sponsoring group must be made in the case of many other awards; high school guidance counselors may be able to assist students in exploring various possibilities.

Office of University Undergraduate Admissions.  All admitted students who apply for admission by the official admissions deadline are automatically considered for merit awards administered by the Office of University Undergraduate Admissions. Separate applications forms are not required. All scholarships are renewable unless otherwise stated. All recipients will be informed as to the renewal eligibility requirements. Questions concerning these scholarships may be directed to the Office of University Undergraduate Admissions at 732/445-3770.

Patt Orino Nursing Scholarship.  For nontraditional students majoring in nursing who demonstrate financial need. Amount of award varies.

Outstanding Scholars Award.  We participate in this program in partnership with the state of New Jersey. This program recognizes the achievements of New Jersey`s most outstanding high school students and encourages them to continue their education in the state. Eligibility is based on SAT scores and rank in class. The value of the scholarship is from $2,500 to $14,285. Further information is available at

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Scholarships.  Students enrolled in a transfer program at a New Jersey county college and membership in the county college`s Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Additional requirements can be found at

Presidential Scholarship.  Awarded to the most outstanding first-year students based on academic merit and extracurricular activities.

Rutgers National Scholarships (non-New Jersey residents).  Outstanding scholars from outside the state of New Jersey are considered for this program. Eligibility is based on SAT scores and rank in class of at least top 10 percent. The scholarship is for $5,000.

Rutgers University Award for Academic Achievement. Awarded to first-year students of color.

University and College Scholarships.  A number of university and college scholarships are made possible through the generosity of alumni, clubs, professional organizations, industries, private donors, and the university. Generally, these awards are made on the basis of high academic achievement and financial need. For information about these scholarships, contact the Office of Financial Aid, Funds Management Section, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 620 George Street, Room 140, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1175.

University College-Camden Scholarships.  University College-Camden students are eligible for University College-Camden scholarships funded by the contributions of alumni and friends. These scholarships ordinarily cover tuition up to a maximum of 9 credits per term and take into account the academic record of the student. Awards are made at the discretion of the dean of the college.

Wal-Mart Competitive Edge Scholarship.  Awarded to a first-year New Jersey resident majoring in computer science, engineering, mathematics, or natural science. Merit, financial need, and community service are considered.

Zonta Club of Greater Camden Scholarship Fund.  The Zonta Club of Greater Camden has established this fund to assist in defraying the tuition costs of a female student who has financial need and who merits such aid because of her high academic average.

Additional information is available on the Internet. Also, contact the Office of Financial Aid.

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