Students seeking to return to college, having withdrawn before completing a full term or not having been regis-tered for a term or more, must apply for readmission. Applications may be obtained from and filed with the Office for Student Affairs.
Students who have been separated from either Camden College of Arts and Sciences, University College-Camden, or the School of Business-Camden for academic or disciplinary reasons may not reenroll unless permitted by the appropriate Committee on Scholastic Standing or by the appropriate dean of students. For further information, see Scholastic Standing in the Academic Policies and Procedures chapter.
Students who have withdrawn or been dismissed from Rutgers-Camden and who have been readmitted may reenter the college under the terms of the catalog in effect at the time of their original admission, if their reentry occurs no more than 30 months after the date of their withdrawal. Students absent for longer periods are subject to the terms of the catalog in effect at the time of their reentry.