University College-Camden and evening School of Business-Camden
students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement are eligible
for awards and prizes which are presented annually at the Academic
Honors Convocation.
Alumni Association Award. Donated
by the Rutgers University Camden Alumni Association. Presented to that
evening student in the graduating class of University College-Camden or
the School of Business-Camden who has demonstrated outstanding student
leadership and academic excellence.
Arthur E. Armitage Award. Given
by the University College-Camden Honor Society, Gamma Xi Chapter, Alpha
Sigma Lambda in honor of the founder of the evening college at Camden.
Presented to that member of the graduating class whose academic record
has evidenced the highest achievement among evening students who are
candidates for degrees. The honoree must be a member of Alpha Sigma
Ed McNall Burns Memorial Award. Supported
by an endowment fund which is the gift of Mrs. Edward McNall Burns.
Presented to the University College-Camden senior with the highest
academic record in the field of history. The recipient must have
completed at least 21 credits in history, must be taking at least 3
additional credits during the last term, and must have the highest
grade-point average in all courses in history.
J. Fredrik Ekstrom Scholarship Award for Graduate Study.
Awarded annually to an Alpha Sigma Lambda honor society member who
has been accepted for graduate study. The amount of the scholarship is
dependent upon contributions received by the honor society. Information
regarding eligibility and application may be obtained by writing Connie
Cramer, 19 Lafferty Drive, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002.
English Department Award. Given to the University College-Camden senior who has demonstrated academic excellence in English.
Dr. Louis Forman Humanities Award. Established
by the University College-Camden Class of 1976 to honor the outstanding
teaching of Professor Forman. Presented to the University
College-Camden student who has demonstrated outstanding ability in the
Charles Kaden Memorial Award for Psychology. Presented to the University College-Camden senior whose progress in the field of psychology warrants special recognition.
Outstanding Student Activities Award. Given by the University College-Camden Student Council to the senior who has given outstanding service in activities.
Jack Marvin Weiner Memorial Award. Given to the University College-Camden senior who has demonstrated academic excellence in political science.