The Camden College of Arts and Sciences offers the major programs
listed below and described in detail in the Programs, Faculty, and
Courses chapter.
A major program includes 30 to 48 credits of
course work in the selected major department, and any other courses
required, as specified by that department. However, the total number of
credits specified by the department may not exceed 80.
Bachelor of Arts
014 African-American Studies
080 Art (art history, design, electronic art, fine arts)
120 Biology
160 Chemistry
198 Computer Science
202 Criminal Justice
220 Economics
350 English
420 French
470 German
510 History
555 Student-Proposed Major
640 Mathematics
700 Music
730 Philosophy
750 Physics
790 Political Science
830 Psychology
840 Religion
890 General Science
910 Social Work
920 Sociology
940 Spanish
965 Theater Arts
975 Urban Studies
Bachelor of Science
124 Biomedical Technology
198 Computer Science
705 Nursing
CCAS also offers special concentrations for students interested in
premedicine, preagriculture (017), preengineering (005), and
prepharmacy (720). Air Force and Army Officers Training Programs are
available to students.