It is the responsibility of each prospective graduate to discharge
all academic and financial obligations to the university and to request
a final review and certification of his or her academic record by the
faculty of the college, preparatory to graduation. Degree candidates do
so by following the procedure outlined in the following list:
1. ascertain whether all degree requirements have been satisfied
2. complete the Notice of Degree Candidacy (available in the Office for Student Affairs)
3. submit the Notice of Degree Candidacy and preapproved Senior
Review forms (see Student Development in the chapter "Student Life``)
to the Office for Student Affairs
Approved departmental
candidates are presented to the Faculty Senate for final certification.
Students having problems in meeting graduation requirements are
notified by the Office for Student Affairs. Degree candidates seeking a
minor must file for minor field certification along with the Notice of
Degree Candidacy.
Candidates must file for degree
certification in accordance with the following dates: August 1,
for those qualifying for an October-dated diploma; October 1, for a
January-dated diploma; and February 15, for a May/June-dated diploma.
Failure to meet one of the above dates requires the resubmission of the
Notice of Degree Candidacy in the next period. The faculty will not act
to certify a degree candidacy unless the prospective graduate has filed
a Notice of Degree Candidacy form.