Students may
transfer freely between the full-time program and the part-time program after
completing the first year. However, a student is permitted to transfer from the
part-time to the full-time program only upon satisfying the associate dean for student affairs that he or she is
in a position to devote full time to law studies.
Full-time students must sign an affidavit that they are not working more than 15
hours per week.
To withdraw from
an individual course or from all courses for a
semester, students must make a written
request to the associate dean for student affairs, indicating the reason for the withdrawal. The
date of receipt of the notice is considered the official date of withdrawal. The
amount of any refund of tuition is determined by the date that formal notice of
withdrawal is received by the associate
dean. Withdrawal is not permitted during the last two weeks of classes.
nonattendance at classes and examinations following an unapproved withdrawal is
treated as an unexcused absence for all purposes and results in a grade of F
being assigned in all classes for which the student is officially registered.