Requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree
1. Completion of minimal number of credit and residency hours based on track as indicated below: | Minimum Credits | Minimum Residency Hours | Adult Gerontology Primary Care NP track | 66
| 1160 hours | Family Health NP track | 70
| 1280 hours | Post Master's Option | 35
| 440 hours* | D.N.P./M.B.A. Nursing Executive Leadership Track | 80
| 1020 hours |
2. Receive a B or better in all prescribed courses per plans of study.
3. Completion of scholarly work that contributes to practice improvement.
4. Scholarly presentation of practice improvement project.
5. Produce a paper suitable for publication.
6. Submit project to Rutgers Electronic Dissertations and Theses (RUEDT).