Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-Camden
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Degree Requirements
Graduate School-Camden
Actuarial and Statistical Analysis
Applied Computing
Biology 120
Biology, Computational and Integrative 121
Business and Science 137
Chemistry 160
Childhood Studies 163
Computer Science 198
Creative Writing 200
Admission Requirements
Degree Requirements
Scholastic Standing
Graduate Courses
Criminal Justice 202
English 350, 352, 354, 615, 842
History 512
Industrial Mathematics
Liberal Studies 606
Mathematical Sciences 645
Physical Therapy 742
Psychology 830
Public Administration 834, 831
Public Affairs 824
World Languages and Cultures 410
School of Business-Camden
School of Nursing-Camden
School of Social Work: Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) Program
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Camden Graduate Catalog 2016-2018 Graduate School-Camden Creative Writing 200 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

56:200:511 Craft Course: Study in Poetic Forms (3) A course in poetic form that features concentrated study and imitation of several major poetic forms, including the sonnet, sestina, and villanelle, along with attention to the varied approaches to form available to all practitioners.
56:200:512 Special Topics: Fiction (3)

Readings focused on a specific area of fiction chosen by the instructor.

56:200:513 Special Topics: Poetry (3) Readings focused on a specific area of poetry chosen by the instructor.
56:200:514 Special Topics: Creative Nonfiction (3)

Readings focused on a specific area of creative nonfiction chosen by the instructor.

56:200:516 Personal Essay (3) Techniques for writing autobiographical prose and memoir, focusing on strategies for transforming personal material.
56:200:517,518 Fiction (3,3) Exploration of traditional and nontraditional narrative forms and techniques, including point of view, character delineation, and dialogue.
56:200:519,520 Creative Writing: Poetry (3,3) Using a variety of forms from sonnet and sestina to free verse, students experiment with poetic techniques and voices.
56:200:521,522 Special Topics in Creative Writing (3,3) Courses on the history and practice of particular genres of writing (consult the program director to determine course content).
56:200:523,524 Individual Study Creative Writing (3,3) Closely supervised work on a sustained project in fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.
56:200:525,526,527 Summer Writers' Conference (3,3,3) Intensive workshop in multiple genres for advanced writers. The Summer Writers' Conference, an intensive series of events with a dozen nationally known visiting writers, is offered under this course.
56:200:528,529 Creative Nonfiction Workshop (3,3) Detailed study of the art of literary nonfiction, including memoir and reportage.
56:200:530 Creative Writing for Children (3) Study and practice of techniques in plot, character, theme, and stylistics used by professionals in writing for children.
56:200:531 Introduction to Publishing and Editing (3) Introduction to the editorial and production procedures involved in the publication of a literary or academic journal.
56:200:559 Craft: Suspense (3) The element of suspense is what keeps readers turning pages--and, when the suspense is sufficiently anxiety-making, gets them flipping ahead to the last page. The tropes of suspense are most evident in ghost stories and detective tales, but no matter what the genre, literature relies on certain techniques to manipulate reader interest. This course will examine how authors build suspense and maintain it throughout a narrative.
56:200:560 Craft Course: The Long Poem (3)

A course in the writing of poetic narrative that includes readings in canonical and contemporary long or narrative poems, from Whitman through Stevens and Crane to Vikram Seth's The Golden Gate.

56:200:561 Craft Course: Worldwide Weird: Global Fantasy and Surrealism (3) This course will examine the use of magical realism and imaginative flights of fancy to comment on contemporary problems and contemporary possibilities, using the work of authors from five continents.
56:200:562 Craft Course: Translation (3) A course that combines students' original creative work with their interest in and experience of work in different languages, Poetry In/And Translation is open to anyone with reading knowledge of a foreign language and familiarity with at least one author writing in that language whose work has proven or is proving a significant personal influence.
56:200:563 Craft Course: Writing the Child (3) Examination of novels and stories written from the point of view of children or featuring child protagonists. What are the struggles writers face, especially in terms of voice and tone? Students will be encouraged to assess both the successes and the failures of the representation of children in the course reading, and to submit their own work featuring child protagonists.
56:200:564 Internship (3)

Close work on creative projects, including literary magazine editing.

56:200:565 Craft Course: Memoir (3)

The urge to tell your life story is human; the ability to make your story interesting, divine.  This course looks at both recently published and classic memoirs to determine what makes memoir exciting, intriguing, and universally relevant.

56:200:566 Craft: Digital Storytelling (3) In this course, students will create their own etexts, collaborating with fine artists to animate and digitize their creative work.
56:200:567 Craft Course: Writing the Woman (3)

Examination of novels and stories written from the point of view of women or featuring female protagonists. We will ask how and indeed whether voice is gender-based.

56:200:568 Craft Course: Point of View (3)

Intensive study of the issues of establishing point of view in a work of fiction.

56:200:569 Craft Course: Truth and Lies: Autobiographical Fiction and Fictional Autobiography (3) A look at the controversy about "telling the truth" in memoir, and the complexities of using autobiographical material in fiction.
56:200:570 Craft Course: Creative Writing Workshop: Screenwriting (3) Course in writing for film, with emphasis on film structure and dialogue.
56:200:571 Craft Course: Special Topics (3) Readings focused on a specific area chosen by the instructor.
56:200:572 Teaching Creative Writing (3) Service learning in Camden city schools: students teach creative writing workshops to elementary and high school students while learning about creative writing curriculum development and pedagogy.
56:200:573 Special Topics in Craft (3) Readings focused on a specific area chosen by the instructor.
56:200:587,588 Creative Writing: Literary Nonfiction (3,3) Exploration of the essay, with an emphasis on journalistic nonfiction, creative reporting, and subjects of contemporary interest.
56:200:591 Creative Writing: Playwriting (3)

Exploration of traditional and nontraditional approaches to writing plays, with emphasis given to completing the first draft of a two-act play.

56:200:600 Craft: From Page to Stage: The Craft of Reading Aloud (3) Examines the nature of a good performance of the written word, with particular attention to how technology has affected the way we make and attend readings.
56:200:601 Craft: Food Writing (3) Food writing challenges writers to recreate the sensual experience of food--that of cooking, tasting, smelling--on the page. The course also asks students to explore politics, agriculture, health, and industry. Students will read and analyze food journalism and be responsible for their own exploratory essays.
56:200:650 Thesis Seminar (3)

Seminar about working on a sustained project in fiction, nonfiction, or poetry for M.F.A. thesis.


56:200:651 Thesis: Individual Research and Final Creative Thesis (3)

Final creative project for the M.F.A. Credits may be taken concurrently with 56:350:650 in one semester or consecutively if more time is required for finishing thesis.

56:200:800 Matriculation Continued (0) Continuous registration may be accomplished by enrolling for at least 3 credits in standard course offerings, or by enrolling in this course for 0 credits.  Students actively engaged in study toward their degrees who are using university facilities and faculty time are expected to enroll for the appropriate credits.
56:200:877 Teaching Assistantship (0)

Practicum for students holding teaching assistantships.

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