Degree Program Offered:
Master of Arts
Departmental Website:
Ellen Ledoux, Ph.D.
Phone: 856-225-6629
Departmental Secretarial Assistant: Dolores Jonczak
Phone: 856-225-6121
The master of arts program offers students the opportunity to work closely with internationally known faculty, to pursue independent research, and to attend a wide range of classes designed to advance candidates in a variety of careers. Small evening seminars cover traditional and emerging fields in English (everything from medieval literature to digital media) as well as a variety of applied topics in editing, pedagogy, and journalism. Graduates have gone on to study at the doctoral level, to teach at secondary schools or community colleges, and to pursue careers in library science, curriculum development, grant writing, and publishing among others.
The faculty has research interests that cover all historical periods of Anglophone literature in addition to rhetoric, linguistics, journalism, creative writing, and digital humanities. In the past few years these faculty have published monographs with leading academic publishers (Alabama, Michigan, Oxford, Palgrave, Penn State, and Routledge), had their novels on the New York Times best-sellers list, and seen their poetry featured in the New Yorker and the Best American Poetry.