The minimum requirements for admission to the School of Social Work M.S.W. program are:
1. A bachelor's degree (or its equivalent for foreign students) from an approved institution of higher education (a background in the social and behavioral sciences is preferred)
2. A B average in the bachelor's program, with higher scholastic achievement strongly preferred
3. An introductory undergraduate course in statistics that covers descriptive and basic inferential statistical procedures with a grade of C or better. (Applicants who do not meet this requirement will be considered for conditional admission and may not move to the advanced program until this prerequisite is satisfied. Students may sit for an examination to place out of this prerequisite.)
In addition to meeting minimum academic requirements, applicants are evaluated for personal qualifications and suitability for professional social work education.
Consideration is given to such areas as:
1. motivation toward, knowledge of, interest in, and preparation for social work education
2. openness to new approaches and ideas
3. capacity for introspection
4. ability to analyze social problems
5. ability to deal with individual and cultural differences
6. identification with social work values
7. commitment to practice that includes services to the poor and oppressed and to the alleviation of poverty, oppression, and discrimination
Professional readiness is assessed by careful review of the entire application with special attention given to the personal statement and letters of recommendation.