Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-Camden
About the University
Graduate Study At the University
Tuition and Fees
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Student Programs and Services
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Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Biology 120
Chemistry 160
Criminal Justice 202
English 350, 352
Teaching Certification
Admission Requirements
Degree Requirements
International Study
Scholastic Standing
Graduate Courses (English 350)
Graduate Courses (American Literature 352)
History 512
Liberal Studies 606
Mathematical Sciences 645
Physical Therapy 742
Public Policy and Administration 834
School of Business–Camden
School of Social Work
Graduate School–Newark
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-Camden 2004-2006 Programs, Faculty, and Courses English 350, 352 Graduate Courses (American Literature 352)  

Graduate Courses (American Literature 352)

56:352:501,502Individual Studies in American Literature (3,3) Independent study in directed readings. Available only by special arrangement.
56:352:509,510Studies in American Literature (3,3) Selected major writers seen in their historical or intellectual relationships.
56:352:511American Literature to 1900 (3) Selected major authors, such as Hawthorne, Melville, Dickinson, and James.
56:352:522Twentieth-Century American Fiction (3) Selected works of modern and contemporary American writers.
56:352:525Twentieth-Century American Poetry (3) Major American poets of the 20th century.
56:352:529Studies in African-American Literature (3) Study of major black poets, fiction writers, and dramatists.
56:352:550Teaching Reading: Theory and Practice (3) Theories, methods, and materials for the teaching of reading.
56:352:551Theory of Composition (3) Recent theories of composition, with attention to invention, arrangement, and style. Emphasis on application in teaching composition.
56:352:552Teaching Writing: Theory and Practice (3) Teaching writing in English courses and in other academic disciplines. New theories of rhetoric and their relevance to the development of curriculum and the improvement of pedagogy.
56:352:553Readings in Classical and Modern Theories of Rhetoric (3) Basic texts in the rhetorical tradition from Aristotle to the 20th century; the use of these theories in the teaching of writing and literature.
56:352:554,555Special Topics in Rhetoric (3,3) Readings in a specific topic chosen by the instructor.
56:352:556,557Individual Studies in Rhetoric (3,3) Independent study in directed readings. Available only by special arrangement.
56:352:558Practicum in Teaching Writing (3) Practice in teaching writing at a local county college.
56:352:559Topics in Teaching Writing (3) Readings in a specific issue in the teaching of writing. Topics vary from term to term.
56:352:593,594Special Topics in American Literature (3,3) Readings in a specific field chosen by the instructor.
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