Instructions for registration and payment of term bills are sent by mail to all students for the first and second terms with due dates indicated. Students who do not receive a term bill by July 20 for the fall term and by December 5 for the spring term should contact the bursar`s office promptly.
It is the student`s responsibility to obtain, complete, and return the term bill on time, even if the bill shows a zero balance. Students who fail to do so are charged a late payment fee of $125. Students enrolled for 6 or more credits who are unable to pay their term bills in full by the stipulated time may pay their bill according to the partial payment plan outlined below.
Payment of the term bill may be made in person, by mail, or online. Checks may be made payable to Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. The following credit cards are accepted by fax or mail: Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Credit card payments must include signature, expiration date, and amount. Do not send cash through the mail.