Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-Camden
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School of Business–Camden
Mission Statement
Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Program
J.D./M.B.A. Dual-Degree Program
Scholastic Standing
Graduate Courses (Accounting 010)
Graduate Courses (Basic Skills 135)
Graduate Course (Business Law 140)
Graduate Courses (Finance 390)
Graduate Courses (Management 620)
Graduate Courses (Ecommerce and Information Technology 623)
Graduate Course (Managerial Economics 626)
Graduate Courses (Marketing 630)
Other International Business Concentration Electives (School of Law–Camden)
Other Health Care Concentration Electives
School of Social Work
Graduate School–Newark
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-Camden 2004-2006 School of Business–Camden Master of Business Administration Graduate Courses (Basic Skills 135)  

Graduate Courses (Basic Skills 135)

53:135:500Foundation of Global Business Economics (3) Basic micro- and macroeconomic analysis topics. Microeconomic topics include supply and demand analysis, pricing policies, competitive and monopolistic markets, and government regulation. Macroeconomic topics are employment, inflation, economic growth, and fiscal and monetary policies. Global perspective of economics emphasized.
53:135:501Business Communication and Computers (3) Spoken and written communication in business, including audience analysis, formatting information style, readability, and editing techniques; designing documents such as letters, reports, proposals, and manuals; presentations and negotiating. Examines effects of computers on business communication, including email, the World Wide Web, document conferencing, hypertext links, and computer graphics.
53:135:502Quantitative Tools (3) Basic mathematical and statistical tools needed for the study of many subject areas in business and for business decision making. Topics covered include algebraic functions, differentiation techniques, optimization, integration, probability distributions, nonparametric methods, regression analysis, and time-series forecasting.
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