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  School of Health Professions 2023-2025 Academic Policies and Procedures Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Academic Integrity Policy Violations of Academic Integrity: Levels of Violations  

Violations of Academic Integrity: Levels of Violations

Violations of academic integrity are generally divided into three categories: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.
  • Level 1 violations may occur as a result of inexperience or lack of malicious intent by the person committing the violation.
  • Level 2 violations include misconduct of a more serious character or misconduct that affects a major, significant, or essential portion of work done to meet course requirements. These violations demonstrate premeditation or may have posed harm to others. The student alleged to have committed the violation may have one or more previous violations.
  • Level 3 violations represent the most serious breaches of conduct. They may involve a serious violation of a professional code of conduct; may include extreme cases of dishonesty and maliciousness or violations of law; and/or are likely to cause direct harm to others.
The procedures for adjudicating alleged violations of academic integrity are different for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 violations. The following examples of violations are not exhaustive. Classification of a given violation is heavily dependent on the exact facts and circumstances of the violation as determined by the Academic Integrity Facilitator (who is appointed in each school to investigate and adjudicate alleged academic integrity) in consultation with the campus Office of Student Conduct or equivalent.

1. Level 1 Violations: Level 1 violations are less serious violations of academic integrity. They may occur because of inexperience or lack of understanding of the principles of academic integrity and are often characterized by a relatively low degree of premeditation or planning on the part of the student committing the violation. These violations are generally quite limited in extent, occur on a minor assignment or quiz, or constitute a small portion of a major assignment and/or represent a small percentage of the total course work. Below are a few examples of violations that are most often considered Level 1, at least when committed by an undergraduate student as a first-time offense.
  • Plagiarism on a minor assignment or a very limited portion of a major assignment.
  • Unpremeditated cheating on a quiz or minor examination.
  • Prohibited collaboration with another student on a homework assignment.
  • Unauthorized sharing of course materials.
  • Citing a source that does not exist or that one has not read on a minor assignment.
  • Signing in for another student via attendance sheet or clicker in a course where attendance is graded.
2. Level 2 Violations: Level 2 violations are serious violations of academic integrity that affect a more significant portion of the coursework compared to Level 1 violations or are an alleged second violation of this policy. Level 2 violations are often characterized by substantial premeditation or planning and clearly dishonest or malicious intent on the part of the student committing the violation. Below are some examples of violations that are most often considered Level 2.
  • A second violation.
  • Substantial plagiarism on a major assignment.
  • Copying or using unauthorized materials, devices, or collaboration on a major exam.
  • Making up or falsifying evidence or data or other source materials for a major assignment, including falsification by selectively omitting or altering data that do not support one's claims or conclusions.
  • Distribution of course materials for financial gain.
  • Facilitating dishonesty by another student on a major exam or assignment.
  •  Intentionally obstructing another student's work.
  • Participating in an organized cheating scheme.
3. Level 3 Violations: Level 3 violations are serious breaches of conduct, may involve a serious violation of a professional code of conduct, may include extreme cases of dishonesty and maliciousness, violation of law, and/or are likely to cause direct harm to others. Below are some examples of violations that are most often considered Level 3.
  • Any violation involving potentially criminal activity.
  • Coordinating an organized cheating scheme.
  • Having a substitute take an examination.
  • Cheating and/or plagiarism on a capstone project, thesis, or dissertation.
  • Intentionally destroying another student's work.
  • Falsifying patient or client records.

When a student is accused of one or more Level 3 violations that include alleged violations of law or a professional code of conduct, or when it is reasonable to believe that the student is likely to cause direct harm to others, they may be removed from a course, clinical, or internship setting on an interim basis, with the approval of the dean of the school. The student shall be immediately informed in writing of any interim removal and has the right to appeal to the campus Chief Academic Integrity Officer (who is responsible for administering the Academic Integrity Policy on each campus).

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