Welcome to the School of Criminal Justice 2006–2008 catalog. The links to the left will help you navigate through the catalog. To go straight to degree programs, click the links below.
Master of Arts Program
Doctoral Program
For information about academic services, athletics, bookstores, career services, computing, grades, health centers, hours for classes, IDs, registration, safety, summer/winter session, university life, or visiting Rutgers, got to http://ruinfo.rutgers.edu or call 732/932-info (4636).
For information on the following subjects, follow the links provided.
School of Criminal Justice: http://www.rutgers-newark.rutgers.edu/rscj
Academic Calendar: http://scheduling.rutgers.edu/academic.htm
Admissions: http://gradstudy.rutgers.edu
Division of Dining Services: http://robeson.rutgers.edu/dining_venues.php
EOF Program: http://admissions.rutgers.edu/0205.asp
Financial Aid: http://studentaid.rutgers.edu
Housing: http://www.andromeda.rutgers.edu/~reslife
Libraries: http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu
Parking and Transportation: http://nwkparking.rutgers.edu
Student Life and Activities: http://robeson.rutgers.edu
Tuition and Fees: http://www.studentabc.rutgers.edu
Veteran's Benefits: http://registrar.rutgers.edu/NW/Veterans.htm