Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick/Piscataway
Programs of Study For Liberal Arts Students
Douglass College
History and Aims of the College
Academic Policies and Procedures
Student Responsibility to Keep Informed
Academic Credit
Registration and Course Information
Scholastic Standing
Dean's List
Poor Academic Performance
Disciplinary Hearing Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Course Listing
Administration and Fellows
Livingston College
Rutgers College
University College
Cook College
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies (SCILS)
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
General Information
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick/Piscataway Undergraduate Catalog 2005-2007 Douglass College Academic Policies and Procedures Scholastic Standing Poor Academic Performance  

Poor Academic Performance

The cumulative grade-point average required for graduation is C or 2.000. A student whose cumulative grade-point average is less than 2.000 is considered academically deficient and not in good standing. Deficient students are under the jurisdiction of the Student Academic Affairs Committee, composed of elected faculty fellows and administrators, who may dismiss a student from the college, place her on probation, and/or set conditions under which she may continue her enrollment.

Warning. A student is sent a letter of academic warning after any term in which her term grade-point average is below 1.951 (unless she is subject to probation or dismissal). A notice of academic warning is mailed to the student`s permanent address of record and/or Douglass Post Office address by the beginning of the following term. In the following term, the student is limited to a course load of no more than 16 credits, including E-credited courses.

Probation. A student is placed on academic probation when her cumulative grade-point average is at or less than the figure below:

  After  1 term   1.600

            2 terms  1.700

            3 terms  1.800

            4 terms  1.900

            5 terms  1.950

The number of terms includes all periods of enrollment at Rutgers University and other postsecondary institutions.

After six or more terms, a student whose cumulative grade-point average is at or less than 1.950 is subject to dismissal.

While on academic probation, a student is limited to a course load of no more than 16 credits including E-credited courses, must attend classes regularly, and must meet any other conditions imposed by the Student Academic Affairs Committee. A written notice of probationary status, including any conditions for continuing her enrollment, is mailed to a student's permanent address of record and/or Douglass Post Office address soon after the term grade information is available. A change of grade or summer school grades will not automatically remove a student from probation.

A student who would be on probation for a third consecutive term is subject to dismissal by the Student Academic Affairs Committee regardless of the cumulative grade- point average.

Dismissal. A student ordinarily is dismissed from the college when her cumulative grade-point average is at or less than the figure given below:

  After  1 term                no automatic dismissal

            2 terms               1.600

            3 terms               1.700

            4 terms               1.800

            5 terms               1.900

            6 or more terms  1.950

In addition, a student who would be on probation for a third consecutive term is subject to dismissal by the Student Academic Affairs Committee. A student not previously on probation may be dismissed if the cumulative grade-point average at the completion of the term falls at or below the standards listed above. Terms completed at Rutgers University and at other postsecondary institutions are included in the calculation of terms attended.

A notice of dismissal is sent to a student at her permanent address of record as soon as possible after the end of the term. Students who fail to meet conditions of reinstatement or continued enrollment at the college are subject to dismissal from the college and termination of current enrollment at any time during the term.

Appeal. Students dismissed from Douglass College by the Student Academic Affairs Committee may submit a request for reinstatement for review by the committee. Complete details regarding format, documentation, and deadline dates are included in the dismissal letter.

Grounds for appeal include technical error, changes in temporary grades, extenuating circumstances, and/or additional information not previously available to the committee. Requests for reinstatement must state the reasons for appeal and, where possible, should be accompanied by appropriate documentation. The decision of the committee is final.

Readmission after Dismissal. Students seeking readmission after dismissal for academic reasons must have earned a minimum of 12 credits at an accredited four-year institution and/or at the Summer Session of Rutgers University with no grade below C. All work must be complete at the time of application. Ordinarily students are not eligible for readmission until they have been out of Douglass College for not less than two full academic terms. See Departure and Readmission earlier in this section for procedures. All educational records are considered, and readmission is not automatic.

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