Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School New Brunswick
About The University
Graduate Study at the University
Other Graduate Study at the University
Degree Programs Available
Tuition and Fees
Financial Aid
Student Services
Academic Policies and Procedures
Student Responsibility To Keep Informed
Registration and Course Information
Matriculation Continued
Summer Registration
Change of Registration and Withdrawal
Transfer of Credit
Intercollege Registration
Multiple School Registration
Interuniversity Doctoral Consortium
Rutgers–Princeton Cooperative Exchange Program
New Brunswick Theological Seminary and UMDNJ–RWJMS Exchanges
Courses Taken “Not-for-Credit”
Auditing Courses without Registration
Graduate Enrollment in Undergraduate Courses
Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses
Minimum and Maximum Programs
Full- and Part-Time Students
Change of Program
Change of Status
Readmission or Restoration of Active Status
Class Schedules and Hours
Grades and Records
Academic Standing
Policy on Academic Integrity Summary
University Code of Student Conduct Summary
University Safety and Security
Sexual Assault Services and Crime Victim Assistance
Administrative Procedures for Responding to Disruptions
Policy Prohibiting Harassment
Policy Against Verbal Assault, Defamation, And Harassment
Nondiscrimination Policy
Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act Reports
Graduation Rates
Teacher Preparation Program Pass Rates
Student Records and Privacy Rights
Student Residency for Tuition Purposes
Research Policy and Research Centers
Patent Policy
Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Research Centers, Bureaus and Institutes
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-New Brunswick 2005-2007 Academic Policies and Procedures Registration and Course Information Rutgers–Princeton Cooperative Exchange Program  

Rutgers–Princeton Cooperative Exchange Program

Rutgers and Princeton universities have been engaged in an exchange program since 1964. This informal program does not require admission to or registration at the host institution. No funds are exchanged between the two institutions, and the student pays tuition only at the home institution. The policies and procedures related to this program stipulate that (1) participants must be matriculating, (2) exchange is limited to one or two graduate courses per term per student, and (3) the course must be part of the student's degree program and unavailable at the home institution. To participate, a Rutgers student must register for 16:001:816 Princeton Exchange (BA) (normally 3 credits) and have the forms (obtained from the Rutgers graduate registrar) signed by his or her adviser, dean, and Princeton

course instructor. The forms are then submitted to the dean of the Graduate School, Princeton University. Princeton grades are assigned and are recorded on the student's record by using the aforementioned forms.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 732/932-info (4636) or
Comments and corrections to: Campus Information Services.

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