Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School New Brunswick
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  Graduate School-New Brunswick 2005-2007 Degree Programs Available Special Programs Certificate Programs and Core Curricula  

Certificate Programs and Core Curricula

The Graduate School-New Brunswick offers programs of concentration that complement formal degree programs. While these programs do not offer degrees, they do permit students to pursue interdisciplinary specializations without impeding their progress toward their degrees. There are several options for specialization. Some are done without formal acknowledgment, such as the program in packaging science and engineering. Others, however, are extensions of existing degree programs, such as the museum studies certificate offered in connection with the M.A. degree in art history. Programs leading to an interdisciplinary Ph.D. also may be arranged (see the section on Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Programs).

Interdisciplinary certificate programs and core curricula provide a more formal means for participating in a cross-disciplinary area and for encouraging collaborative work. Students who complete their degrees while also meeting the requirements of a certificate program will receive a certificate indicating their concentration of study. All certificate options require students to take courses outside their degree programs and to write a major paper or thesis on a topic appropriate to the certificate. Some programs also offer interdisciplinary seminars.

Core curricula are designed differently. In contrast to the informal structure that prevails in certificate programs, students must apply formally and receive admission into core curricula. Typically, these programs provide fellowship or traineeship support for enrolled students. Basic courses, seminars, and laboratory rotations allow students to explore problems at the boundaries of degree programs and to postpone commitment to a given degree program for a time. Students completing such curricula also must meet the requirements of the degree program in which they are matriculated.

Details concerning certificate programs and core curricula may be found in the Programs, Faculty, and Courses chapter.

Certificate Programs                    Core Curricula

African Studies                               Biotechnology

Alcohol Studies                              Molecular and Cell Biology

Asian Studies                                 Molecular Biophysics

Cognitive Science                          Molecular Biosciences

Curatorial Studies

Engineering Geophysics

Geospatial Information Science

Historic Preservation Human Dimensions of Environmental Change

Medieval Studies

Quaternary Studies

Russian, Central and East European Studies

Teaching of Writing

Wireless Communications

Women's and Gender Studies

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