Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
About the University
About the School
Degree Programs Available
Tuition and Fees
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Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Ph.D. Program in Education
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Five-Year Teacher Education Program
Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration
Learning and Teaching
Graduate School of Education Institutes and Centers in the Department of Learning and Teaching
Graduate Courses (Learning and Teaching— General Electives 250)
Graduate Courses (Early Childhood/Elementary Education 251)
Graduate Courses (English Literacy/Language Arts 252)
Graduate Courses (Language Education 253)
Graduate Courses (Mathematics Education 254)
Graduate Courses (Science Education 256)
Graduate Courses (Creative Arts Education 259)
Graduate Courses (Reading 299)
Ph.D. Courses (Learning and Teaching)
Educational Psychology
Nondepartmental Graduate Courses in Education
Teacher Education/Adminstrative Certification Programs
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2004-2006 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Learning and Teaching Graduate Courses (Learning and Teaching— General Electives 250)  

Graduate Courses (Learning and Teaching-General Electives 250)
15:250:503Topics in Learning and Teaching (3)

Selected current problems and issues affecting learning and teaching.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:250:504Foundations of Curriculum (3) Principles from the social and behavioral sciences that provide the basis for curriculum development in elementary and secondary schools; emphasis on analysis of the writing of critics of current educational practice.
15:250:508Intercultural Communication (3) Patterns of communication across cultural boundaries; emphasis on verbal and nonverbal communication conflicts occurring in face-to-face interaction, and ways of alleviating these.
15:250:559Computers and Education (3) Computer use in education considered in the context of the history of computer-assisted instruction; general aspects of computer technology, such as hardware, programming, and information processing; fundamentals of programming; computer-assisted instruction.
15:250:560Computers and Instructional Strategies (3) Considers the computer as an instructional instrument by examining a variety of commercially available software programs; the applicability of these materials to various instructional models examined along with evaluation techniques appropriate to the technology; software programs for classroom management, remediation, interactive tutorials, simulations, and graphics as they apply to subject fields at various levels. Prerequisite: 15:250:559.
15:250:599Master's Thesis Research (BA)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Open to graduate students who want to write master`s theses in the Department of Learning and Teaching.
15:250:649Instructional Design and Computers in Education (3) Principles of instructional design in relation to the creation and adaptation of computer-based learning material; top-down design, structured programming, and verification procedures developed in consideration of the computer as a delivery vehicle in consortium with other instructional media. Prerequisites: 15:250:559 and 560 or equivalent.
15:250:701Dissertation Study: Learning and Teaching (BA)
Required for doctoral students preparing dissertations in the Department of Learning and Teaching.
15:250:800Matriculation Continued (0)
Continuous registration may be accomplished by enrolling for at least 3 credits in standard course offerings, including research courses, or by enrolling in this course for 0 credits. Students actively engaged in study toward their degree who are using university facilities and faculty time are expected to enroll for the appropriate credits.
15:250:866Graduate Assistantship (E-BA)
Students who hold graduate assistantships are required to enroll for 3 or 6 E credits per term in this course.
15:250:877Teaching Assistantship (E-BA)
Students who hold teaching assistantships are required to enroll for 3 or 6 E credits per term in this course.
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