Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Camden Undergraduate
About the University
Undergraduate Education in Camden
Degree Requirements
Liberal Arts Colleges
Camden College of Arts and Sciences
University College–Camden
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Availability of Majors
Course Notation Information
Engineering Transfer 005
Accounting 010
African-American Studies 014
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
American History 512
American Literature 352
American Studies 050
Anthropology 070
Art (Art 080, Art History 082)
Arts and Sciences 090 (Interdisciplinary Courses)
Astronomy 100
Biochemistry 115
Biological Sciences (Biology 120, Botany 130, Microbiology 680, Physiology 760, Plant Physiology 780, Zoology 990)
Biomedical Technology 124
Botany 130
Business Administration 135
Business Law 140
Chemistry (Biochemistry 115, Chemistry 160)
Childhood Studies 163
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Dance 203
Ecommerce and Information Technology 623
Economics 220
Engineering Transfer Program 005
English (English Literature 350, American Literature 352, Film 354, Journalism 570, Linguistics 615, Writing 989)
Film Studies 387
Finance 390
Fine Arts (Art 080, Art History 082; Dance 203; Museum Studies 698; Music 700, 701; Speech 950; Theater Arts 965)
Foreign Languages and Literatures (French 420, German 470, Russian 860, Spanish 940)
Geology 460
History (History 510, American History 512)
Home Economics 520
Honors College
International Studies Program 549
Student-Proposed Majors and Minors 555
Journalism 570
Justice and Society 572
Latin American Studies Minor
Liberal Studies 606
Linguistics 615
Management 620
Marketing 630
Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960)
Major Requirements
Pure Mathematics Option
Applied and Computational Mathematics Option
Teacher Certification in Mathematics
Minor Requirements
Departmental Honors Program
Courses (Mathematics 640)
Courses (Statistics 960)
Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine
Microbiology 680
Museum Studies 690
Music 700, 701
Nursing 705
Pharmacy 720
Philosophy and Religion
Physics 750
Physiology 760
Plant Physiology 780
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Religion 840
Reserve Officer Training Programs
Russian 860
General Science 890
Social Work 910
Sociology (Anthropology 070, Criminal Justice 202, Sociology 920)
Spanish 940
Speech 950
Statistics 960
Teacher Preparation 964
Theater Arts (Dance 203, Speech 950, Theater Arts 965)
Urban Studies and Metropolitan Planning 975
Walt Whitman Program in American Studies
Women's Studies 988
Zoology 990
School of Business - Camden
General Information
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2003-2005 Liberal Arts Colleges Programs, Faculty, and Courses Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960) Courses (Statistics 960)  

Courses (Statistics 960)

50:960:183Elementary Applied Statistics (R) (3) Frequency distribution, graphical representations, measures of central tendency and variability, elements of probability, the normal curve and its applications, sample versus population, estimating and testing hypotheses, regression and correlation analysis, nonparametric tests. Emphasis on applications. No prerequisite beyond the usual three years of high school mathematics. Credit will not be given for both this course and 50: 830:215.
50:960:283Introduction to Statistics I (R) (3) Elementary course in the principles and methods of statistics. Topics include measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability theory, random variables and probability distribution, binomial and normal distributions, central limit theorem, confidence intervals, and testing of hypotheses on mean(s) and proportion(s). Prerequisite: 50:640:121 or 130. Intended primarily for business majors and information systems/computer science majors.
50:960:284Introduction to Statistics II (R) (3) A second introductory statistics course. Emphasizes the application of statistical techniques to data analysis. Topics include analysis of variance, nonparametric statistics, simple linear regression, correlation, multiple regression, time series, and index numbers. Prerequisite: 50:960:283. Intended primarily for business majors and information systems/computer science majors.
50:960:336Applied Statistics (3) Descriptive statistics, probability, random variables, probability distributions, estimation and tests of hypotheses, regression and correlation analysis. Emphasis on applications of these techniques to problems in the biological, physical, and social sciences. Prerequisite: 50:640:122. Intended primarily for applied mathematics majors but open to all qualified students.
50:960:337Managerial Statistics (Intermediate) (3) An intermediate course oriented to business and managerial decisions and research in social sciences. Statistical decision making, a priori and a posteriori probabilities, quality control sampling, power curve solutions, sequential decisions, and research design. Design of sample surveys and study of replicated sampling plans. Prerequisite: 50:960:283 or permission of instructor.
50:960:340Special Topics in Statistics (3) Aimed at students with any major who want to go beyond the first two statistics courses. Instructor provides proper description. Prerequisite: 50:960:284.
50:960:384Statistical Data Analysis (3) Aimed at students who want to go beyond the first two statistics courses. Application of statistical techniques to analyze data. Topics include correlation and regression analysis, regression diagnostics, model building, design of experiments, and categorical data analysis. Use of computer packages for visual analysis and interpretation of data. Prerequisite: 50:960:284.
50:960:390Introductory Computing for Statistics (3) Aimed at students who want to learn statistical computing along with or after the second statistics course. Introduces statistical computing using packages (Excel, SAS, etc.). Includes computing basic univariate statistics, generating random numbers, computing point estimates and confidence interval, testing of hypothesis, basic ANOVA , and regression. Pre- and corequisites: 50:960:283, 284.
50:960:452Introduction to Biostatistics (3) Introduction to the principles and methods of statistical inference for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in biological sciences. Topics include discussion of random variables, probability distributions, population, sample, measures of central tendency and dispersion, point and interval estimation, testing hypothesis, two-sample comparison, analysis of variance, linear regression and correlation model, and nonparametric methods. Emphasizes applications of statistical principles and analyses for biological sciences. No prerequisite beyond the usual three years of high school mathematics.
50:960:467Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis (3) Aimed at students with any major who want to go beyond the first two statistics courses. Introduction to applied multivariate analysis through multivariate normal distribution. Topics include comparison of mean vector, multiple linear regression, discriminant analysis, principal components, factor analysis, and other applied multivariate topics. Use of statistical packages to perform all the multivariate computation and its interpretation. Prerequisite: 50:960:284.
50:960:476Introduction to Sampling (3) Application of the principles of sampling to economic procurement or assessment of data. Introduction to various sampling procedures. Emphasis on the design and control phases of investigation. Applications of the techniques to large-scale surveys, accounting and auditing, and operations research. Prerequisite: 50:960:283 or 336 or permission of instructor.
50:960:481,482Mathematical Theory of Statistics (3,3) First term: theory of probability, discrete and continuous probability distributions, introduction to statistical inference. Second term: further study of distribution functions, correlation and regression, analysis of variance and design of experiments, nonparametric methods, sequential sampling. Prerequisite: First course in calculus or permission of instructor.
50:960:483Statistical Quality Control (3) Basic course in modern statistical quality control. Statistical measures, histogram analysis, construction and analysis of control charts for variables and attributes, use of Dodge-Roming and military standards acceptance sampling plans, statistical aspects of tolerances. Prerequisite: 50:960:283 or permission of instructor.
50:960:484Statistical Computing by SAS (3) Aimed at students who want to learn statistical computing along with or after the second statistics course. Topics include introduction to SAS for reading data, creating datasets, and handling other data steps. Using SAS to perform basic regression and model building techniques. Carrying out ANOVA procedures for different design of experiments. Exposure to basic analysis of categorical, time series, and other types of data. Pre- and corequisites: 50:960:283, 284.
50:960:485-486Number Problems in Mathematical Theory of Statistics (2,2) Numerical problems applied to data in student`s field of study where possible. Emphasis on application of mathematical statistical distributions and methods. To be used as laboratory in conjunction with 50:960: 481,482.
50:960:487-488Introduction to Operations Research (3,3) A two-term introduction to techniques of operations research involved in construction and solution of models in inventory, linear programming, nonlinear programming, queuing, sequencing, network, replacement, reliability, Markov chains, and competitive problems. Prerequisites: 50:960:283, 284, or permission of instructor.
50:960:490Experimental Design and Analysis (3) An advanced course in statistics with applications in all fields of study. Analysis of variance and covariance, experimental framework and layout, simple randomized designs, randomized blocks. Latin squares, Graeco-Latin squares, factorials, balanced and partially balanced designs, gains in precision and estimation. Prerequisites: 50:960:283, 284, or permission of instructor.
50:960:495Independent Study in Statistics (3) Intended for students who want to concentrate on special methods of statistical analysis and their applications to real world problems. Prerequisites: 50:960:283, 284, and permission of instructor.
50:960:496Independent Study in Operations Research (3) Intended to meet the needs of students who wish to study special techniques of operations research beyond the level of 50:960:487-488, or their applications to real world problems. Prerequisites: 50:960:487-488 and permission of instructor.
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