Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Camden Undergraduate
About the University
Undergraduate Education in Camden
Degree Requirements
Liberal Arts Colleges
Camden College of Arts and Sciences
University College–Camden
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Availability of Majors
Course Notation Information
Engineering Transfer 005
Accounting 010
African-American Studies 014
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
American History 512
American Literature 352
American Studies 050
Anthropology 070
Art (Art 080, Art History 082)
Arts and Sciences 090 (Interdisciplinary Courses)
Astronomy 100
Biochemistry 115
Biological Sciences (Biology 120, Botany 130, Microbiology 680, Physiology 760, Plant Physiology 780, Zoology 990)
Biomedical Technology 124
Botany 130
Business Administration 135
Business Law 140
Chemistry (Biochemistry 115, Chemistry 160)
Childhood Studies 163
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Dance 203
Ecommerce and Information Technology 623
Economics 220
Engineering Transfer Program 005
English (English Literature 350, American Literature 352, Film 354, Journalism 570, Linguistics 615, Writing 989)
Prerequisite for All Students
Major Requirements: CCAS and UC–C
Minor Requirements: CCAS and UC–C
Independent Study: CCAS and UC–C
Departmental Honors Program: CCAS and UC–C
Teacher Certification in English: CCAS and UC–C
Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit: CCAS and UC–C
Courses (English 350)
Courses (American Literature 352)
Courses (Film 354)
Courses (Journalism 570)
Courses (Linguistics 615)
Courses (Writing 989)
Film Studies 387
Finance 390
Fine Arts (Art 080, Art History 082; Dance 203; Museum Studies 698; Music 700, 701; Speech 950; Theater Arts 965)
Foreign Languages and Literatures (French 420, German 470, Russian 860, Spanish 940)
Geology 460
History (History 510, American History 512)
Home Economics 520
Honors College
International Studies Program 549
Student-Proposed Majors and Minors 555
Journalism 570
Justice and Society 572
Latin American Studies Minor
Liberal Studies 606
Linguistics 615
Management 620
Marketing 630
Mathematical Sciences (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960)
Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine
Microbiology 680
Museum Studies 690
Music 700, 701
Nursing 705
Pharmacy 720
Philosophy and Religion
Physics 750
Physiology 760
Plant Physiology 780
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Religion 840
Reserve Officer Training Programs
Russian 860
General Science 890
Social Work 910
Sociology (Anthropology 070, Criminal Justice 202, Sociology 920)
Spanish 940
Speech 950
Statistics 960
Teacher Preparation 964
Theater Arts (Dance 203, Speech 950, Theater Arts 965)
Urban Studies and Metropolitan Planning 975
Walt Whitman Program in American Studies
Women's Studies 988
Zoology 990
School of Business - Camden
General Information
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2003-2005 Liberal Arts Colleges Programs, Faculty, and Courses English (English Literature 350, American Literature 352, Film 354, Journalism 570, Linguistics 615, Writing 989) Courses (English 350)  

Courses (English 350)

50:350:097English for Nonnative Speakers (R) (NC) A beginning intermediate-level course covering the sound system, grammatical structures, and vocabulary of English, with special attention to problems in writing. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Load equivalent to a 3-credit course.
50:350:098Efficient Reading (R) (NC) Development of reading skills necessary for success in college work. Training in critical reading with an emphasis on reading for main ideas, structure, and logical development of arguments. Load equivalent to a 3-credit course.
50:350:099Basic Writing Skills (R) (NC) An intensive review of fundamentals of standard English grammar and mechanics, with application of these fundamentals in short expository themes. Load equivalent to a 3-credit course.
50:350:101-102English Composition I,II (R) (3,3) Instruction and practice in writing expository prose, including a documented research report. Prerequisite: Satisfactory score on the New Jersey College Basic Skills Placement Test, or successful completion of 50:350: 099.
50:350:108Composition for Nonnative Speakers of English (R) (3) Instruction and practice in writing English prose, including a documented research paper. Successful completion of this course qualifies the student for 50:350:102. Prerequisites: 50:350:097 and/or permission of instructor.
50:350:160Texts and Theories (W) (3) Survey of critical approaches to reading and writing about literary texts.
50:350:220Introduction to Literary Study (W) (3) Survey of research sources and critical approaches to be used in reading and writing about literary texts, including materials available on the Internet.
50:350:221 Literatures in English I (3) Historical survey of literatures written in English (primarily British and American literatures) from the Middle Ages through 1660.
50:350:222 Literatures in English II (3) Historical survey of literatures written in English (primarily British and American literatures) from1660 to 1900.
50:350:223 Literatures in English III (3) Survey of 20th-century literatures written in English, with emphasis on colonial and postcolonial themes.
50:350:225Major British Writers I (3) Readings and discussion of the great English writers from Chaucer to the beginnings of the Romantic movement.
50:350:226Major British Writers II (3) Readings and discussion of the great English writers from Wordsworth to the present.
50:350:228Nobel-Winning Authors (G) (3) Selected readings from the works of authors who have been awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.
50:350:230Literature and Style (3) Readings from writers and critics about how writers relate to their public, with an examination of the politics of literary reputation and fashion.
50:350:239World Masterpieces II (G) (3) Studies in great works of world literature from the dawn of the modern era to the present. Prerequisites: 50:350:101-102.
50:350:245Folklore (D) (3) The major genres of folklore, including proverb, folktale, and folk song, with some attention to the methods of collecting and analyzing these materials.
50:350:246Literature of Childhood (3) A study of the meaning and importance of literature read and enjoyed by children, focusing on folklore, fantasy, and adoles- cent fiction.
50:350:309Reading and Writing in the Elementary Curriculum (3) Analysis of the forms of discourse used by various academic disciplines in elementary education, including the social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, and mathematics.
50:350:310Reading and Writing in the Secondary Curriculum (3) Analysis of the forms of discourse used by various academic disciplines in secondary education, including the social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, and mathematics.
50:350:313Classical Backgrounds of English Literature (3) The influence on English and American literature of classical Greek and Roman epic, tragedy, comedy, and other literary forms.
50:350:314Biblical Backgrounds of English Literature (3) The influence of the King James and other versions of the Bible on English and American literature.
50:350:316Medieval Literature (3) Survey of literature, from Beowulf through the 15th century: plays, songs, adventure narrative, religious allegory, and other genres.
50:350:317English Renaissance Literature (3) A study of major authors, including More, Sidney, Spenser, Marlowe, Shakespeare, and Donne.
50:350:318Seventeenth-Century Literature (3) A study of major writers in the age of metaphysical wit and emerging new philosophies: Donne, Jonson, Herbert, Marvell, Burton, Browne, and Bunyan.
50:350:321Eighteenth-Century Literature (3) Major themes and writers in English from Dryden to Wollstonecraft, emphasizing the emergence of women as writers and readers of literature.
50:350:322Romantic Period (3) Literature of the Age of Revolution: major works of Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats.
50:350:324Victorian Literature (3) A thematic and analytic approach to the major prose and poetry of the period, with emphasis on the works of Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, Carlyle, and Ruskin.
50:350:330Chaucer (3) Critical analysis of The Canterbury Tales, Troilus and Criseyde, and selected shorter works.
50:350:331Shakespeare I (3) A study of selected comedies, history plays, and tragedies of the Elizabethan period (to 1603).
50:350:332Shakespeare II (3) A study of the plays of the Jacobean period (from 1603 on), with particular emphasis on the tragedies.
50:350:333Milton (3) A study of the minor poems, selected prose, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes.
50:350:334The Bible as Literature (3) A study of the Bible, its literary variety, and historical and religious development.
50:350:335Intellectual Backgrounds of 20th-Century Literature (3) A study of the major works of 20th-century literature in the context of the great intellectual achievements of the past two centuries.
50:350:338Literature and the Natural Environment I (3) Traces perceptions of nature and the roots of current environmental attitudes from ancient literature to post-Enlightenment nature writing, with emphasis on British literature from 1400-1800.
50:350:339Literature and the Natural Environment II (3) Looks at British, American, and Native-American nature writing since 1800 and considers how perceptions and uses of the natural world affect both nonhuman nature and the human communities within it.
50:350:342Modern British Poetry (3) A study of the major poets of our century, with emphasis on Yeats, Eliot, Auden, and Dylan Thomas.
50:350:345Comic Literature (3) A study of the comic tradition in British and American literature, including such writers as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Fielding, Byron, Dickens, Mark Twain, Shaw, and Waugh, as well as some contemporary humorists.
50:350:346World Drama (G) (3) A survey of drama throughout the world from Western and non-Western classics to forerunners of modern realism.
50:350:348Literature of Horror (3) A study of the horror story from its Gothic origins to its present popularity in fiction and film.
50:350:349English Drama to 1642 (3) English drama (exclusive of Shakespeare) from its origins in medieval pageantry through its Elizabethan flowering to its decadence and the Puritan closing of the theaters.
50:350:351English Drama, 1660-1800 (3) The English theater from the Restoration to the emergence of sentimental and "laughing" comedy.
50:350:353Modern Drama (G) (3) The background of the contemporary theater explored in the works of major European and British dramatists from Ibsen and Chekhov to Brecht and Beckett.
50:350:354Postcolonial Literature (G) (3) Focuses on modern literary works written in English from one or two areas of the world formerly under imperial subjugation. Situates those works in a historical context centered on the transition from colonialism to postcolonialism. (Formerly 50:352:353)
50:350:356Rise of the Novel (3) Selected novels of the 18th century with emphasis on Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Burney, and Austen.
50:350:357Nineteenth-Century British Novel (3) Readings in the Victorian novel: Dickens, the Brontės, Trollope, Thackeray, Meredith, and George Eliot.
50:350:358Modern British Fiction (3) Development of the modern novel through examination of the works of the major writers of the century, with emphasis on Joyce, Lawrence, Woolf, and Beckett.
50:350:364The Short Story (3) A study of the short story as a literary genre by examining the works of major world authors.
50:350:365Science Fiction (3) A study of major works of science fiction by such authors as Bradbury, Clarke, Asimov, LeGuin, and Ellison.
50:350:367Popular Culture (3) A study of literature as it has been influenced by such elements of popular culture as best-sellers, magazines, newspapers, film, radio, and television.
50:350:370Biography and Autobiography (3) Exploration of the nature of these genres in works primarily British and American by such authors as Augustine, Boswell, Rousseau, Wordsworth, and Henry James.
50:350:371Literature of Travel (3) A study of why people leave home and how they challenge the borderlines between fact and fiction while converting life into literature.
50:350:372Anglo-Irish Literature (3) A study of the major figures of the Irish literary renaissance, including Yeats, Synge, O`Casey, and Joyce.
50:350:374Legends Past and Present (G) (3) Narratives of heroes, quests, supernatural occurrences, and other extraordinary activities of humans past and present, focusing on Germanic, Celtic, and Native-American cultures.
50:350:375Detective Fiction (3) The development of this popular literary genre from its beginnings in Poe`s short stories through the present, with varying emphasis on American, British, and European authors, among them Doyle, Chandler, Faulkner, Nabokov, and Borges.
50:350:376Literature and Psychology (3) Psychological interpretation of the literary text; the psychology of composition and of reader response.
50:350:377Literature and Sexuality (3) Sexual themes, fictions, and fantasies in English and American literature: the distinction between pornographic and nonporno-graphic erotic writing, the grotesque, the violent, and the romantic.
50:350:378Religion in Literature (3) A study of religious themes in British and American literature from the 17th century to the present.
50:350:380Mythology (G) (3) Narratives of interaction between human and divine, as retold in literature and cultures including ancient Greek and Judeo-Christian.
50:350:381Literature and War (3) How the subject of war shapes literary responses and techniques. Writers include Homer, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Crane, Owen, and Heller.
50:350:388Women in Literature (D) (3) Analyzes the treatment of women in selected world fiction, drama, poetry, and essays.
50:350:389,390International Studies (G) (3,3) A short-term study tour abroad focusing on a literary theme, with class lectures, required readings, and written assignments.
50:350:393,394Special Topics in Literature (1-3,1-3) A course in a specially selected topic. Primarily, but not exclusively, for advanced students. Courses with different topics may be repeated for credit.
50:350:407,408Independent Study in English (BA,BA) An opportunity for advanced students to work individually with an instructor on a self-determined course of study. The project culminates in a substantial paper.
50:350:410Methods and Issues in Secondary English Education (3) Using primary texts as the basis for identifying its methods, focus is on curriculum development, delivery of course content, classroom management, use of assignments, and the relationship between grades and standards.
50:350:411Old English Language and Literature (3) An introduction to the reading and analysis of Old English, including Beowulf.
50:350:415,416Seminar in Literature (3,3) An opportunity for juniors and seniors to pursue advanced study of literature in a small group format.
50:350:431World Novel to 1900 (G) (3) Major novels selected from such world literatures as the Russian, French, Spanish, Japanese, and German, read in translation.
50:350:432World Novel in the 20th Century (G) (3) Major novels from the literatures of Europe, Latin America, Africa, and the East, read in translation.
50:350:441Literary Theory and Criticism (3) A study of major approaches to literature ranging from Plato and Aristotle to the present.
50:350:481,482Readings in Major Authors (3,3) An intensive study of the works of a single author, or of two or three related authors.
50:350:495,496Honors Program in English (3,3)
50:350:497,498Internship in English (3) Application of English skills in a volunteer or professional employment setting. Individually designed and evaluated experience under supervision of intern adviser. Commitment of at least 100 hours.
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